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Q: What is the most common speed in gymnastics?
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What is the most common bone to break in gymnastics?

your wrist

What is the most common speed limit in Nicaragua?

the most common speed limit in Nicaragua is 45mph.

What does gymnastics do for you?

Most say that gymnastics the foundation for most sports. Gymnastics helps to grow strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination.

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What are Some injurys that come with gymnastics?

Most common to happen, bone beakages, torn/pulled muscles, sprained limbs.

What age should you start gymnastics to be able to have a chance at the Olympics?

3 is the most common age start for Olympic gymnasts!

Should you do gymnastics or soccer?

it depends on what you like because if you like gymnastics do that or if you like soccer most girls would do gymnastics and most boys would do soccer

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50 mph

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Speed or Cocaine

How can you use gymnastics in a sentence?

When it comes to gymnastics, I just like to watch! His mental gymnastics were most tiresome.

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apha gymnastics