semantic derogation is a negative connotation on a word :)
Out-group derogation
No. There are critters that can pass between the two, like some parasitic worms. Natural Crossbreeding isn't one. As a derogation, "screwing the pooch" is but an allegory for totally messing something up.
In-group bias is when individuals favor people within their own group over those outside of it. Out-group homogeneity is the tendency to see members of out-groups as more similar or alike each other than members of in-groups. Out-group derogation involves holding negative views or attitudes towards members of an out-group. The Stanford prison experiment may have shown in-group bias through the guards displaying favoritism towards their fellow guards, while mistreating the prisoners. Out-group homogeneity may be demonstrated by the guards perceiving the prisoners as a monolithic group of disobedient or troublemaking individuals. Out-group derogation could be observed in the guards using dehumanizing tactics and derogatory language towards the prisoners based on their group membership.
People favor their in-groups and treat other groups unfairly, this is called in-group bias or ingroup favoritism. It is the tendency to show preferential treatment to members of one's own group over those in another group.
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