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2 ft with both legs together, 3 ft. jumping normally, like you would over a gap, and roughly 4 ft if diving forward.

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Q: What is the maximum height and distance a human can jump from a standing start?
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What is the maximum height a man can grow?

Human height has varied from 2 feet to almost nine feet.

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A person of height 1.7 metres can see a bright light at the horizon - a distance of 4.7 kilometres.

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To measure human height with a tape measure, have the person stand upright against a wall with their heels touching the wall. Place the tape measure flat against the wall, making sure it is level, and mark the height at the top of the person's head. Then, measure the distance from the floor to the mark to determine their height.

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Distance and height, as well as width, depth, thickness, and altitude, are all examplesof the concept of "length". Its unit in the SI (metric) system is the meter.

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Human height is primarily inherited, with genetics playing a significant role in determining an individual's height. Factors such as nutrition and overall health can also influence growth and contribute to an individual reaching their maximum height potential.

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more than a zillion (its true so if you have a report on this put more than a zillion) ---- Find the average height of an adult human, then find the distance around the equator. Convert that distance to feet and divide it by the average height of a human. If I have time, I'll find out myself and edit this.

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How do you measure height for NHL player?

Height for NHL players is typically measured in feet and inches using a stadiometer, a tool specifically designed for measuring human height. Players are measured while standing against a wall, with their shoes off and feet together, to ensure accuracy. The height measurement is then recorded and often reported in profiles and statistics.

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