The loft on the Slingshot irons as well as any other iron ranges from 14 degrees to 60 degrees.
Specifically, the Nike Slingshot 4D irons specs are as follows.
Club456789PWSWLoft2326303438424655Lie61626363.56464.56565.5Length38.7538.2537.7537.2536.7536.253635.75Womens Length37.7537.2536.7536.2535.7535.253534.75HandRH/LHRH/LHRH/LHRH/LHRH/LHRH/LHRH/LHRH/LH
The oss irons are oversized ones and are a lot easier to hit as they are more forgiving.
ModelLoftLieLength (Steel) Nike Slingshot Iron #218°58.5°39.75'' Nike Slingshot Iron #3 20°59.5°39.25'' Nike Slingshot Iron #4 23°60.5°38.75'' Nike Slingshot Iron #5 26°61.5°38.25'' Nike Slingshot Iron #630°62.5°37.75'' Nike Slingshot Iron #7 34°63°37.25'' Nike Slingshot Iron #8 38°63.5°36.75'' Nike Slingshot Iron #942°64°36.25'' Nike Slingshot Iron PW 46°64.5°36'' Nike Slingshot Iron AW 50°64.5°36'' Nike Slingshot Iron SW55°65°35.75'' the lofts are listed above
check the back of the hosel on the 5 iron. It could be very hard to see
The Loft. The approach wedge "A" is lofted between the pitching wedge "P" and the sand wedge "S"
nike sling shot oss A wedge is 44 degree approach wedge. nike sling shot a wedge is 50-56 degree wedge also called a approach wedge but is really a gap wedge... the oss is the only club that has a 44 degree loft. nike is the only company to make this club
Loft may range from 19 degree to 60 degree depending on the specs of the iron.
The Taylormade website will give you full details.
The answer to the question is only answered if you are honest about your skill level. Low handicappers - Victory Red blades. mid handicapper - VR Split Cavity and Full Cavity or the CCI. From above mid through high handicap and beginner the Slingshot OSS, Ingnite, Sumo, and Slingshot HL would work as they are designed be a game improvement club.
you tend to use the woods for loger distances with less lift whereas irons are used for more loft and better accuracy
The Adams website will have full details.
Golf Galaxy!
Nike VR Full Cavity AW 50º loft, 64º lie, 10º bounce from NIke web site.