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Q: What is the kinetic energy of a 60 kg person jogging at 2 m s?
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If kinetic energy is increased by 60 percent then momentum will be?

increased by 60 percent as well. Momentum is directly proportional to kinetic energy when mass is constant according to the equation p = √(2mEk), where p is momentum, m is mass, and Ek is kinetic energy.

What kind of kinetic energy does a car and bus traveling at 60 mph have?

Both the car and bus traveling at 60 mph have kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion, and it is directly proportional to the mass and speed of the object.

If gravity is the only force present what is the total mechanical energy of a book falling off a shelf at a time when its potential energy is 50 J and its kinetic energy is 60 J?

The total mechanical energy of the book falling off the shelf is the sum of its potential energy and kinetic energy. Therefore, the total mechanical energy is 110 J (50 J potential energy + 60 J kinetic energy).

A particle is projected at 60 degree to the horizontal with a kinetic energy k the kinetic energy at highest point is?

At the highest point of the particle's trajectory, its kinetic energy will be zero because it momentarily comes to a stop at that point. Potential energy will be at a maximum at this point.

Which has a greater kinetic energy a car traveling at 30 km h or a car half that mass traveling at 60 km h?

60. K= 1/2mv^2 therefore when v is larger, there is more kinetic energy

What sort of energy does running use up?

running uses kinetic energy. * kinetic energy:is the energy produced by a moving object or when someone is moving. * runnung needs 60 kilojoules of energy for every minute you run.

What has the most mechanical kinetic energy?

a car going 60 miles per hour

What is the kinetic energy of an object with a mass of 125 kg, moving at 60 m/s?

225,000 Joules

What objects has the most mechanical kinetic energy?

a car going 60 miles per hour

What is the kinetic energy of a 1000 kg car that is moving at 60 km per hour?


Kinetic energy of a moving object varies directly with the square of velocity If a car moving at 60mph has kinetic energy 180 units how many units of kinetic energy does the same car have at 20mph?

The kinetic energy of the car varies with the square of its velocity. Therefore, if the car is moving at 20 mph (which is one-third of 60 mph), its kinetic energy would be (1/3)^2 = 1/9 of the original kinetic energy. So, at 20 mph, the car would have 180/9 = 20 units of kinetic energy.

A 60 kilogram studen running at 3 meters per second has a kinetic energy of?

The kinetic energy of the student can be calculated using the formula KE = 0.5 * mass * velocity^2. Plugging in the values, we get KE = 0.5 * 60 kg * (3 m/s)^2 = 270 Joules.