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Sporting Lisbon's Brazilian left-back Ronny "Homem-Bomba" (human bomb) Heberson holds the record, with a free kick against Naval that has been measured to be moving at close to 132 mph. Watch it at:

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Q: What is the fastest a human has kicked a football in mph?
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Fastest human mph?

The fastest recorded human speed is 27.8 mph, achieved by Usain Bolt during his 100m world record run in 2009.

What is it the possible miles per hour speed of a kicked soccer ball?

The fastest recorded soccer kick was 114 MPH.

How fast is the fastest human in mph?

The fastest human speed recorded is 27.8 mph, achieved by Usain Bolt during his 100m world record run in 2009.

How fast can a soccer ball be kicked?

The fastest recorded speed for a soccer ball to be kicked is around 131 mph (211 km/h), achieved by Ronny Heberson in 2008. However, the typical speed for professional soccer players is around 50-70 mph (80-113 km/h) during a game.

What is the fastest speed a runner can go?

The fastest speed of a human running was set by Maurice Greene, who achieved a sprint speed of 26.7 mph.

Who is the fastest human?

Usain Bolt 9.58. I heard it was a guy whose top speed was 27 mph.

Can I run at the speed of sound?

Nope. The speed of sound is ABOUT 760 mph. Fastest human runner is 27.79 mph. Not even close.

What is the fastest velocity a human can be going and hit the water feet first with a reasonable chance of surviving?

70000000 mph

What was the fastest pitch ever thrown by a human?

105.1 mph by Aroldis Chapman of the Cincinnati Reds on September 24,2010.

What is the fastest a human has ever cycled?

The 152 MPH record was eclipsed a decade later in 1995 by Fred Rompelberg : 166.9 mph . That is the world's absolute bicycle speed record.

Speed of a soccer kick?

A recent survey showed that the fastest a football can be kicked was around 80mph. Obviously an average player would kick it nowhere near these speeds. 80 mph is the speed at which most top players would kick the ball.

What is the fastest sport?

The fastest human speeds other than aircraft racing and hydroplanes (both over 200 mph) would be LUGE (up to 96 mph), followed by bobsled and skeleton (85 to 90 mph).The sports involving the highest speed are GOLF and JAI ALAI, where the ball can travel up to 200 mph or slightly faster.