It is 1,176 miles according to Google Maps.
Marathon in the Keys? According to, the distance between Marathon FL and Naples FL is 218.49 miles or approx. 3 hours 47 minutes drive time.
The Keys are 120 miles long. Jacksonville Beach to Key West is 505 miles.
The driving distance is 455 miles. Since there is sometimes more than one route, including back roads, this is an approximate but accurate distance. It is based on the most well-known routes between these two locations.
Key Largo, Marathon, Key West,
The distance between Jacksonville and Tallahassee is 157 miles (252 km).The driving distance from Jacksonville to Tallahassee is 164 mi - about 2 hours 38 mins.
The airport code for Florida Keys Marathon Airport is MTH.
It is closest to Jacksonville with a distance of 141 miles by road, while Tallahassee is at a distance of 257 miles.
The driving distance from Chicago, Illinois to Jacksonville, Florida is about 1,060 miles.
The driving distance from Marathon, FL to Homestead, FL is 80 miles.
Yes, the noun 'marathon' is a common noun, a general word for a long distance footrace; a general word for a long-lasting or difficult task, operation, or contest.A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, or thing; for example, the town of Marathon in central New York State or the city of Marathon on the Florida Keys.
The distance between Jacksonville to Tampa is approximately 199.9 miles. It will take around three hours and nine minutes to drive from Jacksonville to Tampa.