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His Golf ball hasn't hit a tree lately!!

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Q: What is the difference from Tiger Woods golf ball and his car?
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Related questions

How fast can a golf ball fly?

Tiger Woods' ball speed is 170 MPH.

How do I get a golf ball signed by Tiger Woods?

There are several authographed golf balls available on Ebay.

Which sports does Tiger Woods play?

Tiger Woods plays golf.

Who is famous and plays golf?

How about Tiger Woods Tiger Woods

When did Tiger Woods first start to play golf?

at nine months he swung his first club and hit a golf ball

What mph does a golf ball travel at?

Average of about 100-150 for amateurs. Tiger Woods hits a ball at 170 MPH.

What is the longest golf ball hit by Tiger Woods?

i think it was about 380 yards some place in England

Which golf player's mother was born in Thailand?

Tiger Woods. Tiger Woods

What is the general distance a 6 iron golf club should hit a golf ball?

tiger woods 225 yards average 160

What sport does Tiger Woods play?


What is the speed of a golf ball?

Tiger Woods' ball speed about 170 MPH, an amateurs average would be around 100-140 MPH.

what sports is tiger woods in?
