Basically 1 skin= 1 hole. If you win a hole, you win the skin. Commonly monetary values are placed on a skin, with more money on harder holes. If a hole is tied the skins are carried over, and the next person to win a hole wins the carried over value.
Golf is the name of a sport. It has no other meaning.
It is the Gulf of Mexico, not golf (which is a sport). Basically, a gulf is an inlet of the sea almost surrounded by land.
What is smaller than a continent and is completely surrounded by water
skin that comes off an apple
The outermost layer of skin.
A strong golf club is one that has had the face bent shut by a couple of degrees to give it a lower launch and go further.
the flat layor of skin means on your body all of the flat bit of your skin!
Golf wax is the name of a brand of paraffin wax. Paraffin wax is usually used for making candles, or for therapeutic wax for the skin.
In golf, a skins event has players compete for prize money on each individual hole.
The definition of a swale is a low-lying or depressed and often wet stretch of land. Also a shallow depression on a golf fairway or green
A pelt is an undressed animal skin.