You should be able to do skills like a round off backhandspring, back walkover , front walkover and more you should be fast , flexible, agile
im assuming you already passed level one tumbling so that would be, back handspring roundoff back handspring front handspring/walkover i hope you pass!!!!!!!!!
well there are plenty of rules just in general not just floor like point your toes do your tumbling straight, if something looks funny the judges could practically deduct for anything and it depends if you have an optional routine or a compulsary routine the only rules i can specifically tell you are that you cannot step out of the white line around the floor you should stick your tumbling passes you have to have a certain amount of A or B tricks you have to have some flight tricks and tumbling the routine music must be, i think, more then 50 seconds and less then 1:20 that's all i can think of at the moment well glad i got to answer your question bye!
There is no name for the level 4 music.
Well that depends what level you are talking about. For level four, the first competitive level, you need your mount, half turn, heel snap turn, leap, handstand, and dismount. For level five you need all of the above and a cartwheel, and double pivot turn. For level six you need a back walkover and all of the above skills. Hope this helps.
If you can do it, go ahead. but its not required.
Trubbish will start to attempt its evolution at Level 36.
Darumaka will attempt to evolve once it reaches Level 35.
I assume you are asking about a floor routine? If so, usually between one minute to one minute and twenty seconds.
2:19 seconds