The first indoor bowling alley was built in 1840 at Knickerbockers of New York City.
In this sentence, the subject is the first indoor bowling alley. The verb in this sentence is the word opened.
First Answer: Yes, there was. Second Answer: Bowling has been around in some form since 5200 BC (the earliest we have artifacts to support). Bowling in the US, in it's current form, tenpin bowling, has been around since sometime after the Civil War. It is derived from Kegelspiel, a German form of ninepin bowling. The first indoor bowling alley was built in 1840, Knickerbockers of New York City.
new york city
There are many forms of Bowling, with one of the most recent being ten-pin Bowling and the earliest dating back to ancient Egypt. Other places where Bowling was first seen were ancient Finland and Yemen, and in 300 A.D. in Germany. The first standardized rules were established in New York City, on sep. 9, 1895 (116 years ago).
[removed as inappropriate/non-contributory]Bowling has been around since at least 3200 BC in one form or another. The current form of US tenpin bowling is derived from the German Kegelspiel, which was brought over from Europe some time before the Civil War. We adapted it and created the first indoor bowling alley in 1840 at Knickerbockers of New York City.
[removed as inapproprate/non-contributory]Bowling has been around in one form or another since at least 3200 BC. The current form of tenpin bowling is derived from German Kegelspiel which was brought over from Europe before the Civil War. We adapted it into tenpin and created the first indoor bowling alley in 1840 at Knickerbockers of New York City.
The first indoor bowling center in the US opened in 1840. It was called Knickerbockers of New York City.
It is in an alley in New York City...