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Yes, a game with all marks (Spares and Strikes) is called a clean game.

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14y ago

A Game with all Marks (Spares and strikes) is called a Clean Game.

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13y ago

it is called an "open" frame

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Q: What is the bowling frame that does not have a strike or a spare called?
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In the last frame of bowling do you get a chance to bowl a total of 4 balls?

In the last frame you get a chance of bowling 3 balls. You can get three strikes, a strike and a spare (a spare is two balls) or a spare and a strike.

How many fames are there in bowling?

There are 10 frames in bowling. If you get a strike or spare in the 10th frame you get additional shot(s) -- 1 for spare and 2 for strike.

If you get a spare in the tenth frame and fill it with ten is that fill considered a strike?

No. Technically there are only ten frames in bowling. If you Spare in the tenth frame, you get a bonus shot called a fill shot. If you strike in the tenth frame, you get two bonus/fill

Is it called a turkey when you score a strike with a second ball in bowling?

A turkey is 3 strikes in a row. You can only get a strike on the first ball of the frame. If you knock down all the pins on the 2nd ball of a frame it is a spare not a strike.

What is a complete game of bowling?

If you did it in one try it's a strike. If you did it in two it's a spare.

In bowling What is the score when you spare in the first frame and then roll 11 strikes in a row?

If you get a spare in the tenth frame, the extra shot you get is sometimes called the eleventh frame. If your first shot in the tenth frame is a strike, your next shot is sometimes refereed to as the eleventh frame and your final shot is sometimes called the twelfth frame.

Why is the tenth frame different from the other frames in bowling?

It is different because if you strike in the 10th frame, you get two bonus shots called "fill shots" or "fill balls." If you spare in the 10th frame, you get one fill shot.

Is a score of 242 possible in a game of ten pin bowling?

Yes. The maximum score in tenpin bowling is 300. One way to bowl a 242: 1st frame - strike 2nd frame - strike 3rd frame - seven on the first ball and a spare on the second ball 4th frame - strike 5th frame - strike 6th frame - seven on the first ball and a spare on the second ball 7th frame - strike 8th frame - strike 9th frame - strike 10th frame - strike on the first ball, eight on the second ball, spare on the third ball X----X----7/----X----X----7/-----X-----X-----X-----X8/ 27...47...67....94..114..134...164..194..222...242

What three things can happen in each frame of bowling?

You're probably trying to trick us...but "X" = strike "/" = spare "O" = split

How is bowling scored?

Each frame consists of two deliveries, unless you knock all 10 pins down on the first delivery, this is called a strike. If you knock them all down after the second delivery its a spare. In the tenth frame however, if you get a strike or spare, you get three deliveries. The total number of pins for each frame gets added together unless you roll a strike or spare. If you roll a strike its worth 10 plus what you get on your next 2 deliveries. A spare is worth 10 plus your next delivery. This means in a frame where there's a strike or spare the score for that frame can't be filled in until your next two or one deliveries have been thrown respectively.

Is a strike more than a spare in bowling?


How many ballls thrown in a frame of bowling?

If you are referencing tenpin bowling, you throw 2 balls each frame for the first 9 frames, unless your first ball in a frame is a strike, to which only the one ball is thrown. In the 10th frame, 3 balls are thrown unless a strike is not made with the first ball or a spare is not made with the 2nd ball.