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Between 12 - 16 Degree C is the perfect temperature to play football. Its important you stay cool. You don't want it to be so cold that your fingers & toes go numb & you dont want ur lungs to inhale extremely cold temperatures.

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12y ago
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12y ago

the best weather for tennis is no wind, and cloudy so when you serve the sun doesnt get in your eyes. the temperature is up to you though. i like it cooler outside

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13y ago

there isn't a "right" weather to play football in this would be an opinion but i like snow and rain because I take gymnastics so i can keep my balance

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Perfect tennis playing temperature is about 86ºF or 30ºC * * F= Fahrenheit, C= Celsius

What happens in tennis if the game is called by weather?

The tennis match is rescheduled to the next closest date. In professional tennis, if a game is completely called off due to weather conditions, the game is played the next day if possible (and each day thereafter if the next day is not available).