I think you mean where and the answer is in a mini bike store.
Bern has the best bike helmets that you can buy. Their helmets are known for being very safe and secure.
any bike store
The bike shop, Bike brewery any bike store pretty much.
It's safe. You can buy it at Watsons, or SM dept store
One can buy bicycle tail lights at your local bike store. A dedicated agent will be happy to provide for your bike and select the best tail lights for your usage.
You could get a bike pump at Wal-Mart or best buy or try this site www.halfords.com Bikes Bike Accessories & Bike Helmets , or this site on how to choose the best bike pump www.rei.com/expertadvice/articles/bicycle+pump.html
Check around your local bike stores.
Any Fitness store will stock Fitness bikes, as far as the best brand either in store assistance or some online research should help you when making a decision on what brand to purchase.
The best bike you can buy is a bike that has a great overall rating. you also want to look for something that is comfortable as well as space saving. You also want to buy a bike that has the functions you are personally looking for.
You can find online store listings on DMOZ.