In league Bowling, if one member of the team does not strike, but all of his teammates do, then he is supposed to buy them all a round.
Drink Beer.
10th Frame
Beer, donuts, bowling ball
The tenth frame (last round of bowling) is treated as the final.
10 frames in a bowling game, 10th frame can have up to 2 extra balls. For example 3 strikes in the 10th frame. 12 strikes in a game = 300 = perfect game.
Bowling is scored in frames.
The cast of Star Frame Bowling Challenge - 2010 includes: Chuck Galeti as himself Paul Rado as himself
30 pins is the maximum that can be scored in one frame of bowling. In the first 9 frames, this requires a strike followed by two more strikes.
Each frame has a value of 30 in a perfect game.
In the last frame you get a chance of bowling 3 balls. You can get three strikes, a strike and a spare (a spare is two balls) or a spare and a strike.
homer Simpson is interested in donuts bowling and sleeping.