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Well, I'm thirteen and VERY muscular from swimming, soccer, Lacrosse, softball, track and conditioning, all year round. I am 123 lbs and 5'6 so I hope that helps. P.S don't worry if you weigh more than most of your friends, chances are you have more muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat!

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Q: What is the average weight for a muscular twelve year old female?
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I am not certain, But i think that is pretty bad! The average weight for a twelve year old would be around 120 lb to 130 lb. I am a twelve year old female and i weigh 140 lb, And that isn't very good either.. ;p

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the average weight should be about 120-135. i think it really depends on how muscular you are. if u are really muscular you should probably be about 135-140.

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hieght: 5.3 - 5.5 weight: 100lbs - 120lbs

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