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humans can withstand any amounts of speed however its the rate of acceleration to that speed that can cause damage to the human body, try and imagine it like this.... when your on a plane you are traveling very fast (I'm not sure how fast) but your body is also traveling at the same rate and so are your organs. however if you quickly got up to the same speed of the plane in a matter of seconds then your organs and your body will have accelerated too fast and you will be crushed so your question is 'what is the average acceleration a human can withstand' well trained astronauts can reach crazy G's of up to 40g's which is 40,000 m/s/s but us untrained humans can usually withstand 17g's without dieing or passing out hope this helps :) im Sarah illusac and 11 years old and i hope to be a rocket scientist one day :)

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Q: What is the average speed a human being can withstand?
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Mph of a average human?

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Usain Bolt holds the world record for the 100m sprint. He did this in 9.69 seconds, which gives an average speed of 23.08mph (10.32m/s). As this is an average speed the maximum speed will be a bit higher than this. so to answer your question the maximum speed of a human is about 25mph

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About 10 metres per second

What is the maximum speed a human can survive?

The maximum speed a human can survive depends on various factors such as the duration of acceleration and deceleration. Generally, speeds exceeding 1000 mph can be fatal due to the extreme forces on the body. However, experienced individuals in extreme sports like skydiving have survived speeds over 700 mph with proper equipment and training.