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11:30 or 12pm

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Q: What is the average lunch time for middle schoolers?
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When do high schoolers eat lunch?

Well, it is different for everyone. The average time is around 12:00.

What are some ideas for a project on colonial time project for middle schoolers?

What exactly do you have to do? Like a display?

How come middle schoolers think romance is gross but sex is good?

(correct me if im wrong) middle schoolers are still kids. so are 20 yr olds. middle schoolers probably see their parents kissy kissy all the time and think it's "gross" but they hear about sex through tv or other frnds and think totally different. ----

What time does middle schoolers get up?

A middle schooler gets up around 6 45 through 7 30 depending on how far you live from your school.

What is the average lunch time for high school students?

the average time of lunch in high school is between half 12 and 1 lasting until half 1 or 2.

What time is best to eat once a day?

i think lunch just in the middle ;]

Why is it in middle school think about sex?

That's a very good question. Majority of Middle Schoolers (7 and 8th Graders) hit puberty at their age. The average age for hitting puberty for Females are 9 and for Males is 12. During the time, males start to develope Sperm and Testosterome [a craving of sexual intercourse].

What is an average time for a mile in middle school?

the average time to run the mile in middle school is 9.58

What time is lunch in a Chinese primary school?

Earlier than Middle school stupid:-?

Is the book antsy does time good?

yes... it is a good read for middle schoolers it helps them understand how a family shold work together and the sacrifices they have to make for each other

Where does the word lunch came from?

The word "lunch" came from the word "nuncheon" in Middle English, which means a light meal. It evolved over time to become "lunch" in modern English, referring to a meal eaten in the middle of the day.

If you have lunch in lunch time what will you have in dinner time?
