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Q: What is the average life of a driver golf club before metal fatige of the head reduces the distance a golfball can travel?
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How do you get average speed?

To calculate average speed, divide the total distance traveled by the total time taken to travel that distance. The formula is: Average speed = Total distance / Total time. Make sure to convert units of distance and time to be consistent before calculating the average speed.

What is the average lifespan of a tornado?

The average lifespan of a tornado is about 10 minutes, but they can range from a few seconds to several hours. Most tornadoes travel a relatively short distance before dissipating.

What division is sexual?

It is a division that reduces the number of chromosomes to half of their number before the division.

Ways to introduce yourself?

say your name and hello before other person. This reduces shyness.

What name is given to the process that reduces moisture content of wood before it can be used?

Kiln drying

In the US how far does the average food item travel before it reaches your table?

The average food item in the US travels about 1,500 miles before it reaches your table. This distance is mainly due to food being produced and transported from different parts of the country or even imported from other countries.

How far away is the moom from the earth in miles?

The average distance fromEarth to Moon is 384,403 km (238,857 miles). Before you put this answer into your homework you've got to understand that the Moon takes an elliptical path around the Earth. That number, 384,403 km is an average distance that astronomers call the semi-major axis. The Moon can get closer to the Earth and it can get further. At its closest point, known as the perihelion, the Moon is only 363,104 km (225,622 miles). And at its most distant point, called aphelion, the Moon gets to a distance of 406,696 km (252,088 miles).

What reduces a size of a file?

Compression (such as compressing it into a .zip or .rar file), but the file will have to be uncompressed again before it can be used.

How can you use porosity in a sentence?

Here this is an example one : This is applied to the wood before staining and reduces the porosity of the wood.

How long is the average engagement before marriage?

The average length of an engagement before the wedding is a year.

What is a vehicle's reaction distance?

A vehicle's reaction distance is the distance it travels while a driver reacts to a hazard and applies the brakes. It is the distance the vehicle covers before the driver starts to slow down to avoid a potential collision.

What is an experiment you could perform to determine the average speed of a toy car rolling down an incline?

You could measure the time it takes for the toy car to roll a certain distance down the incline, then calculate the average speed using the formula distance/time. Repeat the experiment multiple times to get a more accurate average speed.