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As long as they can go. As long as they can make enough money to keep their card and get the vital exemptions they could play from late teens to early fifties on the mens' tours and then they could move onto the senior tours at 50 and could compete well into their 60's. Look at Tom Watson, he came within inches of winning the 2009 Open Championship at the age of 59.

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Q: What is the average length of a pro golfers career?
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Golfers can earn millions of money. But it also depends how good they are Tiger Woods, etc, earn the most amount of money as golfers and pro golfers earn lots more than footballers and it is to known that pro golfers earn the most money in sport in the world

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There is a pro for every player career when it says "create a pro" that's the pro for that one career

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"There is a little bit of a misrepresentation or a misunderstanding on that. Frequently, it is said that the average career is about 3.5 years. In fact, if a player makes an opening day roster, his career is very close to six years…If you are a first-round draft choice, the average career is close to nine years. That 3.5-year average is really a misrepresentation. What it adds is a lot of players who don't make an NFL roster and it brings down the average."

Why don't men pro golfers wear shorts?

Simply because on Tour, they are not allowed to. Amateurs can though.

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The number of skateboards that a pro skater will break on average is quite high. In the course of their career they will break tens of boards.

Do pro golfers charge a fee to play with non golf pros?

Depends. They would usually play in a pro-am event, which would cost the amateur golfers a lot of money, but the money wouldn't necessarily go to the player. If it was just a casual round it is unlikely that they would charge a fee, but they may do.

When did Michael Phelps begin his career?

his pro career started in 2000.

When did Usain Bolt start his sprinting career?

2002 junior career 2007 pro career