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i'm in 7th grade and 12 turning 13 and my fastest time was 1:48

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1 min 04 sec

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Q: What is the average 400 meters dash time for amateur runner?
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Who was runner up in the mens one hundred meters at the barcalona Olympics 1992?

Frankie Fredericks of Namibia.Fredericks won 4 silver medals in his Olympic career. He was runner up in men's 100 meter dash and 200 meter dash at both the 1992 Games in Barcelona and 1996 Games in Atlanta.

What is the difference between 100 Meter Dash and 100 yard dash?

No. 100 meters is approximately 328 feet, or 109.33 yards. They are two different lengths of race. In international competition, such as in the Olympics, the metric distance is the one most often used.

How holds the world record for the fastest 100 meters race?

The Fastest 100 metres dash runner is Asafa Powell (Italian)

What would a time of 11 seconds in a 100 meter dash convert to in a 100 yard dash?

11.99 seconds because 100 yard dash is 91 meters. 100 meters/91 meters = 1.09 Then do 11 seconds x 1.09 = 11.99 seconds. If you round it, you basically be getting a 12 second 100 meter dash.

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A sprinter runs the 100 m dash in 9.8 seconds. What is the sprinter's average speed?

~10.2 meters per second.

Average speed of a average human in meters a second?

Humans can run 9m/s in a dash and 6 m/s in a marathon and 3 m/s jogging.

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How do you replace dash lights on 93 4 Runner?

The dash lights on a 93 Toyota 4Runner are replaced by removing the dash trim and panels. When the dash internals are exposed, the individual bulbs can then be replaced.

11.6 in 100 meters how fast in 40 yard dash?

11.6 in 100 meters is 4.2 (4.242816) seconds in the 40-yard dash.

Who is the fastest 40m dash runner in labelle high school?

William thomas(will thomas)

Who was the first runner to break 10 seconds in the 100 meter dash?

Legally Carl Lewis.