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Q: What is the area called between the tee box and the green where the grass is mowed golf?
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What is the second mowing of grass called?

Mowed grass does not technically have a name. i looked in my SCIENCE :) book and it said mowed grass can be called nature's shreds. Answer Mowed grass in an agricultural sense is either hay or silage.

What is a clump of grass called?

Group of grass is called as clump , if the grass is mowed it is called lawn.

What is a group of grass is called?

Group of grass is called as clump , if the grass is mowed it is called lawn.

What is the meaning of a fairway in golf?

The fairway is the area up the centre of the hole which follows the line of the hole, it is closely mown.

What height is the grass mowed at Wimbledon?


What is the meaning of mow?

Mow means to cut down. He mowed the grass last night. The avalanche mowed some trees down.

Does grass grow quicker when mowed?

No it just seems to.

A tract of loe or level land producing grass which is mowed for hay?


What is a grass fire?

It is the green things that grow out of the ground in parks and usually in yards and garden. A lawn is the same as grass. Like, you hear people saying that they 'mowed the lawn'. It is a plant but lots of it grows out of the ground.

Why grasses don't die when mowed?

Grass doesn't die when it is mowed because the roots are still in the soil and healthy, which allows it to keep growing green. The concept is similar to hair cuts, just because the ends are cut off doesn't mean that the entire hair dies and will stop growing.

What happens to grass in the winter if it is not mowed in the summer?

it gets cold and snowy. then it melts and you mow your lawn.

What word would describe grass that has just been mowed?

fresh, cut, neat, soft,