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Q: What is the absence of order or coordination?
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How does PE help you with coordination?

It keeps you in a healthy mental, social, physical state of mind and not just the absence of infirmity or disease

What is the root word for coordination?

The root word for coordination is "coordinate," which comes from the Latin word "coordinare" meaning "to set in order, arrange, or harmonize."

What is the need for the system of control and coordination in an organism?

The maintenance of the body functions in response to changes in the body by working together of various integrated body systems is known as coordination. All the movements that occur in response to stimuli are carefully coordinated and controlled. In animals, the control and coordination movements are provided by nervous and muscular systems. The nervous system sends messages to and away from the brain. The spinal cord plays an important role in the relay of messages. In the absence of this system of control and coordination, our body will not be able to function properly. For example, when we accidentally touch a hot utensil, we immediately withdraw our hand. In the absence of nerve transmission, we will not withdraw our hand and may get burnt.

What is the need for a system of control and coordination in organism?

The maintenance of the body functions in response to changes in the body by working together of various integrated body systems is known as coordination. All the movements that occur in response to stimuli are carefully coordinated and controlled. In animals, the control and coordination movements are provided by nervous and muscular systems. The nervous system sends messages to and away from the brain. The spinal cord plays an important role in the relay of messages. In the absence of this system of control and coordination, our body will not be able to function properly. For example, when we accidentally touch a hot utensil, we immediately withdraw our hand. In the absence of nerve transmission, we will not withdraw our hand and may get burnt.

What is a good sentence using coordination?

The word coordination is a noun. It could be used in a sentence like this.... The police are working in coordination with one of the criminals in order to conduct a more speedy investigation. In this sentence, the word coordination is a subject of a prepositional phrase that describes how the police are working (jointly, with a criminal).

In the absence of an agreement to the contrary what type of mortgage will have priority?

In the absence of any recorded subordination agreements mortgages take seniority in the order by which they were recorded in the land records.

Why do you need coordination for netball?

Due to the introvertical side of the game you need coordination to be able to kick the ball hard into the air. Digging or passing the ball is essential in volleyball and in order to pass the ball you need to have good coordination. In other words you can't be tight, you need to be loose.

What is the correct grammar in the following sentence a person needs coordination to dance well?

This sentence is grammatically correct the way it is written. There is nothing wrong with it. Some people would probably prefer "A person needs coordination in order to dance well", but others see "in order" as unnecessary and redundant.

What is the abbreviation for the word coordination?


How is Fisher syndrome diagnosed?

Diagnosis is made clinically by detecting manifestations involving the characteristic trio of symptoms usually following a viral infection: paralysis of the eyes (ophthalmoplegia), abnormal coordination (ataxia), and absence of reflexes (areflexia).

What suffix means coordination?

The suffix "-ation" can denote coordination, as in the word "coordination."

What is body eye coordination?

Hand-eye coordination is the ability to coordinate the eyes and hands in order to perform tasks or activities efficiently. It involves transmitting information from the eye to the brain, and then to the muscles to carry out a specific task. For example, catching a ball or typing on a keyboard both require good hand-eye coordination.