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This is exactly what it says, it is the point where the stance and/or swing is no longer affected by what you require relief from. In the case of casual water, the nearest point of relief is no closer to the hole, where no water is present when you take your normal stance, and you may take one club length from here. In the case of a green staked tree the nearest point of relief is where you can take a stance and swing without being affected by the tree, and again one club length from this point.

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Q: What is nearest point of relief in golf?
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What is aTemporary accumulation of water in golf?

Casual water. You get a free drop from this, nearest point of relief no nearer the hole.

What is the definition of casual water on a golf course?

When you take your stance and address your golf ball, if there is visible waster either round your ball or feet you are entitled to relief. You find the nearest point of relief and take a free drop (within one club length).

Can you drop golf ball from semi rough to green when on a sprinkler head and not dropping nearer the hole?

It depends on the nearest point of relief. On the green you would place the ball, not drop it.

What is casual water in golf?

Casual water is basically water that is visible when you address the golf ball, this can range from a huge puddle, to water rising round your feet. You take the nearest point of relief from casual water, no closer to the hole.

Do you drop club length in rough?

No, you cannot drop club length in the rough under the Rules of Golf. When taking relief from the rough, you must follow the specific relief procedure outlined in the Rules, which typically involves determining the nearest point of relief and then dropping within one club length of that point, no closer to the hole.

What happens in golf if your ball lands in the wrong hole is it a free drop or do you incur any penalty?

You take a free drop, one club length from the nearest point of relief, which would be the edge of the green no nearer the hole.

When playing golf on Sunday my ball landed on a path in which you get free relief My nearest point of relief would have put me in the middle of a large conifer tree What should happen?

b. Relief Except when the ball is in a water hazard or a lateral water hazard, a player may take relief from interference by an immovable obstruction as follows: (i) Through the Green: If the ball lies through the green, the player must lift the ball and drop it, without penalty, within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief. The nearest point of relief must not be in a hazard or on a putting green. When the ball is dropped within one club-length of the nearest point of relief, the ball must first strike a part of the course at a spot that avoids interference by the immovable obstruction and is not in a hazard and not on a putting green.

Relief from cart path?

yes if it is man made, drop it to the nearest point of reliefe

Can you play a golf ball if it lands on a tee box?

Check local rules, but you will usually have to play the ball as it lies, obviously if there is a tee marker in the way you can move it, or take a drop if it is immovable, but the drop will be one club length from the nearest point of relief.

What to do if at side of a staked tree?

Check local rules, you may be entitled to relief ( nearest point of relief plus on club length, no nearer the hole). Some courses you are allowed free relief, others you are not.

Where is the point of relief when a golf ball is near the green behind a bush and the backswing is restricted by burn of the cart path?

If by "burn of the cart path" you're talking about a grassy hill that either frames the cart path or that the path is on top of, nothing. Play it as it lies, or take the consequences of declaring an unplayable lie . If your stance or swing is impacted by the paved surface of the cart path, then it's the nearest point of relief not closer to the hole.

How do you get involved in golf?

Get a set of golf clubs and head over to the nearest golf course.