4k (kilometers) = 2.48548477 miles and 3200 meters = 1.98838782 miles. So, a 4k race is about 1/2 of a mile farther than a 3200 meter race.
A mile. A mile has 5280 feet while 1600 meters has 5249.3438 feet. A difference of 30.6562 feet.
A mile is 7.2% longer than 1500m
A quarter mile is 402.336 metres. Therefore a quarter mile race is slightly longer than a 400 metre race.
2.25 miles... a 2 mile race is 3200 meters
The 220 yard race has been replaced with the 200 meter race although it is about 222 yards long; the 440 yard race has been replaced with the 400 meter race; and the 1,500 meter race has replaced the mile.
It can vary. I have known some races with 35 runners.
1 mile = 1608 meters, so they are pretty much the same
2 miles is 3200 meters. So, you need to deduct from your two mile time your average 200 meter time when you run two miles. For example, your 2 mile time is 12 minutes. When you run 2 miles on a track, you're running 16 X 200 meters. So, divide 12 (your 2 mile time) by 16 (the number of 200 meters you run). You get .75, or 3/4s of 60 seconds, which is 45 seconds. Now, deduct 45 seconds from 12 minutes, and you get 11:15 for 3000 meters.
24.85 laps
800 meters is just under 1/2 of a mile.
One mile is about 1609 meters, so four miles is about 6436 meters, so four miles is longer than 5000 meters.
I consider an 800 middle distance and the mile distance. Some however would argue that the mile is middle distance so it depends on what you want to call it but they are definitly not sprinting.