Yes, Lee Trevino, a retired professional golfer, is fluent in Spanish. He was born in Texas, USA, to Mexican parents and grew up speaking both English and Spanish.
No. They are not related. Mario Lopez is the son of Mario Lopez Sr.
The first Hardy Boys book was published three years before the first Nancy Drew. The first Nancy Drew is ranked 53rd on the All-Time Bestselling Children's Book List for the United States. The first Hardy Boys book is ranked 55. Both Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books are still being written. Both are very famous and beloved parts of childhood for many Americans. Nancy Drew seems to be a greater part of pop-culture and has inspired more movies. However, they are pretty equal.
yes. they were twins. they were both drafted at the same time.
The two most important include General Winfield Scott and Antonio Lopez the Santa Anna, supreme commanders of both sides during the war.
His name is Pitbull. He is probably most famous for I Like It by Enrique Iglesias, which was featured on Jersey Shore. He is also in On The Floor by Jennifer Lopez, both really good songs.
Nancy Davis married Ronald Reagan in 1952.
They might both be wrong.It's definitely "Nancy and", but whether the pronoun is "I" or "me" depends on how you're using it in the sentence. To determine which, forget about Nancy for a second and consider whether you'd say "I" or "me", then use that and put "Nancy and" in front of it again.
Jennifer Lopez
George Lopez was born in Los Angeles, California in the USA. Both of his parents were born in Mexico.