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When you alternate spares and strikes in a game, winding up with a score of 200, It is called a dutch 200 game. You must start and end with a strike.

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Q: What is it called when you have a game alternating strike spare stike spare through all ten frames?
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How many frames are there in a game of ten pin bowling?

In bowling there are 10 frames. If a strike is scored in the 10th frame, the bowler gets two "fill shots" (bonus shots sometimes incorrectly referred to as the 11th and 12th frames). If a spare is scored in the 10th frame, the bowler gets one fill shot.

What is the objetives of bowling?

the objective is to knock down as many pins as possible in 2 balls i know people say 10 frames but the max is 12 frames if you get a strike in the 10th you get an extra ball get another strike extra ball or if you get the strike then a say 4 you get a chance to try and spare it hope this awnsered your question

How many fames are there in bowling?

There are 10 frames in bowling. If you get a strike or spare in the 10th frame you get additional shot(s) -- 1 for spare and 2 for strike.

If you get a spare in the tenth frame and fill it with ten is that fill considered a strike?

No. Technically there are only ten frames in bowling. If you Spare in the tenth frame, you get a bonus shot called a fill shot. If you strike in the tenth frame, you get two bonus/fill

Why do you get 300 points in 12 frames of bowling?

A bowling game is only 10 frames long. What appears to be the 11th and 12th frames in a perfect game of 12 consecutive strikes are just the extra frames bowled for the bowler's strike in the 10th and final frame. They do not score on their own, merely count as bonus pins in the 10th frame.

What is a union strike mediator called?

A strike mediator is called an arbiter.

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An impact printer

Why is the tenth frame different from the other frames in bowling?

It is different because if you strike in the 10th frame, you get two bonus shots called "fill shots" or "fill balls." If you spare in the 10th frame, you get one fill shot.

What are the zones called in softball?

Strike Zone The strike zone is from the knee to shoulder of the batting softball player. The strike zone also extends as wide as a normal swing. A strike is called if the ball passes through the strike zone and reaches the catcher. The softball umpire will also call a strike if a batter swings and misses at a pitch outside the strike zone. Three strikes result in a batter being called out by the softball umpire. A ball is called for all pitches that miss the strike zone. Four balls allow a batter to walk to first base uncontested. Outfield These 3 zones are short, middle, and long. In the outfield.

What is it called if you get a strike followed by another strike in bowling?

If you are a right-handed bowler it is called a Brooklyn strike.

When workers stop working entirely it and called a what?

It is called going on strike.

What is a labor union's refusal to work called?
