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Q: What is good ping?
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Is Brett good at ping pong?

Brett is not very good at ping pong, but is very good at swimming, and on his way to being a pro. He actually really sucks at ping pong, though he does practice a lot

What does the ping mean in Warcraft 3?

1. Ping is a location of a marked area that has a "ping" sound on the map. 2. Ping is a common term online for latency (or how good your connection is).

Who is an okay ping pong player?

I am a pretty good ping pong player. I can be competitive with non professionals.

In ping ranking is 22ms good average or poor?

it is good! the lower the better

What is ping in babo violent 2 and why do you keep getting maximun ping and you cant join?

Your Ping is to see how good your internet is and when it says maximum ping you have gone over how much the game arena lets you I also play babo myself and in a clan

What kinds of sports are the Chinese people good at?

ping pong

What are some good ping pong tactics?

Hit the ball!

Why to user ping counter?

confusing question but ping on a user is what discribes how good of a connection the player has to that server how close he lives next to server and internet speed. If you have more then 80 ping its considered laggin.

How do you make a ping pong table?

You need a good set of ping pong table plans that will tell you how to build a ping pong table.

How do you decrease your ping number?

Ping is a computer network tool, that estimates the round-trip time for a data packet between a computer and the target host (usually in ms). There is no quick-fix to reduce your ping, a good server and a good connection to it helps. If you're running wires all over your house to connect to the web then this tends to increase ping (bad), as there is a greater chance of interference hence data loss. Ping also varies depending on which server you are trying to connect to. So the solution: make sure all of your wires are in good condition and short, and that the provider you use to connect to the web gives a good ping (you can usually check this before you sign up).

Which is the best looping ping pong blade?

Depends on you... what you want (spin, speed, control, good grip...) what you feel more comfortable with. In conclusion, there's not a BEST PING PONG BLADE but there is YOUR best ping pong blade.

How tall is Ping Ping He?

Ping Ha is 165 cm.