an example of an internal software quality characteristic would be the animations that may or may not be created on the internal card.
Data flexibility is a quality characteristic.
An example of a nominal-is-best quality characteristic is color. Color can be described using categories such as red, blue, green, etc., without any inherent ranking or order.
A trait is a distinguishing quality or characteristic that is passed down genetically, while a characteristic is an observable feature of an organism. For example, eye color is a trait that can be inherited, while having freckles is a characteristic that can vary among individuals.
1. individual characteristic: a characteristic or quality that distinguishes somebody2. inherited characteristic: a quality or characteristic that is genetically determined3. indication: a hint or trace of something ( literary )
The suffix -ous forms adjectives to indicate a characteristic or quality. The suffix -ness similarly creates nouns from adjectives. The suffix -ish indicates a similarity to a given characteristic.
A trait is a distinguishing characteristic or quality. A trait is a distinguishing characteristic or quality.
Attribute, characteristic, quality, symptom, and others.
A trait is a unique quality used to identify a person or animal.A characteristic is a quality used to describe a type of person or thing.
To be an epitome of something means to be a perfect example or embodiment of a particular quality or characteristic. It signifies the essence or ideal representation of that particular thing.
Appraise the product and inspect in quality