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Q: What is a type of reproduction where there is a exchange of genetic information in order to create new individuals?
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What is sexual reproduction where there is an exchange of genetic material?

by a asexuall reproduction

Picture of a bacteria that reproduce by binaryfission division?

I'm unable to display images. However, a common example of bacteria that reproduce through binary fission is Escherichia coli (E. coli). This process involves the bacterium splitting into two identical daughter cells after replicating its genetic material.

Reproduction that occurs with an exchange of genetic material is?

Sexual reproduction.

Why is conjugation a type of sexual reproduction?

Conjugation is a type of sexual reproduction in certain microorganisms because it involves the exchange of genetic material between two individuals, leading to genetic variation in the offspring. This exchange allows for the combination of different genetic traits from both individuals, increasing genetic diversity within the population.

In what way is conjunction a primitive from of sexual reproduction?

Conjugation is a primitive form of sexual reproduction in bacteria where genetic material is transferred between two cells through a bridge-like structure called pilus. This allows for genetic diversity and the exchange of beneficial traits between bacterial cells.

The transmission of genetic information from parents to offspring is called?

The transmission of genetic information from parent to offspring is called genetics or genetic transmission. Such genetic information includes height, eye and hair color.

What is conjuguation?

The exchange of genetic material from bacteria to bacteria through sexual reproduction.

Which mode of reproduction produces offspring that is genetically unique?

Sexual reproduction involves the combining of genes from two individual parents, resulting in genetically unique offspring. This genetic diversity allows for variations and adaptation within a population.

Do asexual reproduction occurs only in microorganisms?

No, asexual reproduction can also occur in plants and animals. Examples include budding in yeast, binary fission in bacteria, and vegetative propagation in plants.

Reproduction involves the transfer of genetic information from?

Reproduction involves the transfer of genetic information from the parent cell to the daughter cells. This is how some traits are transferred through the genes.

what is it called when an organism passes genetic information to a new generation?


The creation of offspring carrying genetic information from just a single parent is called?

The creation of offspring carrying genetic information from just a single parent is called asexual reproduction. This type of reproduction occurs in various organisms such as bacteria, plants, and some animals where the offspring inherit all their genetic material from a single parent.