A stroke in its' simplest terms is an attempt to hit the Golf ball, this includes air shots, if you swing and miss, that is one stroke also.
Lose a stroke
Stroke index is where the holes on a golf course are ranked in order of difficulty. 1 being the hardest and 18 being the easiest. One 9 will have all the even stroke indexes and the other will have all the odd stroke indexes, this ensures the shots are distributed equally. If your handicap is 9, you get a shot on all the holes ranked 1-9 in the stroke index.
It is a golf links if the course is near the sea. Otherwise it is a golf course if further inland.
The homophone for a rough golf course is "course."
Known as a double hit, there is a one shot penalty, this means one stroke will be counted as two.
The golf course closest to USC is Brookside Golf Course. It is located beside the Rose Bowl. It is a public golf course.
One stroke is one shot or attempted shot.
A Golf? Course! :)
To become a golf course manager, you have to have an extensive training in golf course management. It is not an easy job, you have to know everything there is to know about golf course management. Check out http://ezinearticles.com/?Golf-Course-Management---How-To-Become-A-Golf-Course-Manager&id=1659009 for article on becoming a golf course manager.
A mini golf course has obstacles and hills and bumps and a traditional golf course has a green and a fairway
Basically a stroke is where a genuine movement is made towards the golf ball. Once you address the ball and make a swing, this counts as a stroke, even if you miss it.
Bayview Golf Course in Kaneohe reopened it's mini-golf course.