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Q: What is a poem set to music?
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A poem set to music called an?

The poem set to music is called oratorio. A story set to music is called cantata.

What is a poem called that is set to music?

A poem set to music is called a "song." The combination of words and music creates a cohesive piece that is meant to be performed vocally or instrumentally.

A poem set to music and sung is called?


A poem set to music and sung is called a or an?

A sonnet.

What is a poem set to music and sung called?

A poem set to music and sung is called a "song." Songs typically include both lyrics (the words of the poem) and music (the melody and accompaniment). The combination of the two creates a harmonious piece of art that is meant to be performed vocally.

What are bahamian ballads?

a set of lyrics like a poem that is put to music

Why was the Sprangled banner written?

He didn't, he wrote the music that Francis Scott Keys poem was set to.

What has the author Graham Godfrey written?

Graham Godfrey has written: 'Pioneers - a poem by Walt Whitman set to music'

Is the song Ave Maria latin?

There is a Latin version, and a German version. Latin version is the Catholic Hail Mary set to music, and the German version is a German poem set to music composed by Franz Schubert.

What do you think inspired Jose palma to write the poem that later on was set to music and became our national anthem?

cause idgaf

What is the meaning of Ode?

A short poetical composition proper to be set to music or sung; a lyric poem; esp., now, a poem characterized by sustained noble sentiment and appropriate dignity of style.

What is the poem street music by Arnold adoff about?

a poem bassed on the city in wich he lived when he was a chid!