usbc emblem
united states bowling council
In the US, the lanes must be inspected and approved by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC). The USBC sets the standards for bowling in the US.
The USBC is the United States Bowling congress. Some benefits of joining the USBC include access to their online information on the official USBC site.
Usbc, pba
USBC membership is roughly 1.2 million in the 2015/16 bowling season.
A pacer is sometimes used in league bowling where a team does not have a complete roster and another person is allowed to bowl for purposes of helping keep the pace of the teams bowling.
You would need to contact USBC. I don't know if this statistic is published on USBC's website.
Normally pacer scores are not counted or are specially marked in league software using a P with CDE Software's Bowling League Secretary software.
The United States Bowling Congress (USBC), the santioning body over US bowling, is located in Arlington, TX.
The United States Bowling Congress (USBC) is the national governing body for ten-pin bowling in the United States.
The USBC (United States Bowling Congress) is currently part of working towards bringing the sport of bowling to the Olympics.