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A terrible player, with a horrendous swing and a rubbish striker of the Golf ball.

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Q: What is a hacker in golf?
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What is the Swedish word for hacker?

Hacker is hacker in Swedish.

What is the birth name of Alan Hacker?

Alan Hacker's birth name is Alan Ray Hacker.

Who is max hacker?

i guess he is a german hacker , who is well knopwn for his hacking skills , and there is almax hacker who is an arab hacker who is super but nothing compared to the german max

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moviestarplanet hacker

What do a hacker do?

A Hacker is a person that gets into someone's account.

Who is the hacker Gordon?

its a hacker that makes hacks for combat arms.

When was Marcel Hacker born?

Marcel Hacker was born in 1977.

When was Marilyn Hacker born?

Marilyn Hacker was born in 1942.

When did Street Hacker happen?

Street Hacker happened in 2004.

When did Project Hacker happen?

Project Hacker happened in 2006.

When was The Hacker Ethic created?

The Hacker Ethic was created in 2001.

When was Hacker Dojo created?

Hacker Dojo was created in 2009.