

What is a gymnastic feat?

Updated: 10/24/2022
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12y ago

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If you meant "fear" then here's your answer.

Many gymnasts (including me) become afraid of a certain skill. Sometimes, it can be caused by maybe an accident that happened while doing it, the fact that you're going upside down, and sometimes you don't really know WHAT you're afraid of! Fears are common with ALL gymnasts, i mean mental is the majority of the sport! When you have a fear, you work with it, you try to overcome. You CAN'T avoid it! noooo! That makes it worse. You talk to your coach and he/she will assist you. Or, for me, I talk to my teammates and usually they can do alot. :)

On the other hand maybe you want an example of a gymnastics feat. These include somersaults and flips such as handsprings. Another is an elephant lift where a performer places their hands on the floor shoulder with apart and lifts their legs from a straddled stand into a hanstand.

Another possiblility is that youwant to know what is meant by the word feat in the context of gymnastics. A feat is a performance of skill.

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12y ago
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