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a good time would be around 24 sec

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Q: What is a good time in boys 200 meters for grade 10?
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Good Time Boys was created in 1989.

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Sixth grade is still very early to become involved with boys. Give it time. Eventually you will meet boys who will resemble some of the ones you have read about and fallen in love with in your books.

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What is an example of a benchmark number?

It is the number set that everyone shoots for. As an example, in a P.E. class, the benchmark for 8th grade boys in the mile is 8 minutes. Then 8 minutes or less is the time all the 8th grade boys shoot for.

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A good time to do homework is as soon as you get home from school.

Thers a guy at summer school in the same grade as me he seems to b flirting w me but even more w a girl whos a grade older so he spends more time with her how do i get him to like me more?

you don't. if you are in school you are to young to be worrying about that sort of thing. concentrate on something more productive. boys are the devil for you in this stage of life. and boys forget about the girls until you own a home, and have good credit. good luck

Seventh grade boys 100 meter dash times?

I do not know exactly for boys, but I am a 7th grade girl and it takes me 15-16 seconds. Im a 7th grader and I ran mine in 13.4 my friend ran his in 12.8. I am now an 8th grader who runs 12 seconds flat, but in 7th grade I could beat most of the eighth graders with 12.5.

How do most 6th grade boys spend their free time?

Watching football, being a guy. Nothing different.

What is a good time in the 5000 meters?

2 mins