In high school, the 400m hurdles race becomes the 300m hurdles, although some high school hurdlers also compete at the 400m level. Here are the distances for both: 300m hurdles: To first hurdle:45m; 147' 9" In between hurdles: 35m; 114' 9" Last hurdle to finish line:10m; 32' 10" 400m hurdles: To first hurdle:45m; 147' 9" In between hurdles: 35m; 114' 9" Last hurdle to finish line:40m; 131' 3"
The 300m hurdles race is run in high school track and field (once in college the race is 400m hurdles). For the girls' race, the hurdles are 30 inches high - for the boys' race, the hurdles are 36 inches.
Both men's and woman's 300m hurdles races have 8 hurdles in them. However, the 300m hurdle race is not run professionally or in collegiate competition. Instead, the 400m hurdles is run, with 10 hurdles.
The distance between 300 Hurdles (or 400 Hurdles) is 35 meters. The distance to the first hurdle (in high school races) is 45 meters and 10 meters from the last (8th) hurdle to the finish line. This is exactly the same as the first 300 meters of a 400 Hurdle race, though the relative position on the track is moved to finish at the common finish line. All the distances on hurdle spacing are available at:
Nick Daniels
2nd notch
Two and a half feet
Freshman in High School: 3rd notch for 110m and 300m Sophmore/Junior/Senior in High School: 4th notch for 110m and 3rd notch for 300m College/Professional: 5th notch for 110m and 4th notch for 400m hurdles.
The hurdle height for 110mh is 36" (inches).
It's 253HP for the standard 300m with the 3.5 (all 1999-2004 3.5's were "high output" used in the 300m) It was 255 HP for the 300m Special (a sport tuned edition of the 300m).
39 inches is the height of Varsity 110m hurdles for men. JV is 36 inches.