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A foot fault is when you serve and your foot touches the ground on or or forward of the service line before you strike the ball.

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Q: What is a foot fault?
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Can a foot fault be challenged in professional tennis?

What has "professional" got to do with it ? A foot fault is a foot fault.

What is foot vault in tennis?

If you were referring to foot fault, foot fault is when serving you foot steps on the baseline or if it crosses the middle of the baseline. If you do commit a foot-fault, a serve is taken away from you; i.e if you make a foot-fault on a first serve you have to hit a 2nd serve and if you make a foot-fault on a second serve, a double fault is given.

Is a foot fault a service fout?

yes it is a service fault

What is the definition of a volleyball foot fault?

While serving, if the player's foot breaks the line, it is considered a foot fault, and the opposing team is awarded a point.

What is the difference between a foot-wall fault and the hanging wall fault?

In a foot-wall fault, the fault plane is beneath the rock that is being mined, while in a hanging wall fault, the fault plane is above the rock being mined. The foot-wall fault refers to the foot or bottom of the inclined fault plane, while the hanging wall fault refers to the hanging wall or top of the fault plane.

What are some tennis words that begin with the letter F?

Fault Foot fault.

What is the foot fault rule in the game of Badminton?

For the beginning of every point, the server has two chances to get a serve in the correct service box. If on the first serve the ball is called a fault, then it is second serve. If on the second serve there is a let, then it is still the second serve, and the server may redo the serve.

The block of rock below a fault line is called what?

This is known as the foot wall of the fault.

What is a foot vault?

A foot fault is when in volleyball you serve and you pass the line or put your foot under the net.

The block of rock below a fault is called what?

The block of rock below a fault is called the footwall.

Do it depend on where you hit someone when backing up to determine who's at fault?

Yes i think that if you are hit in the foot its their fault if you are hit in the stomach, its your fault.

Volleyball When you step on he line during the serve it's called a?

It is called a foot fault. You can also have a foot fault if you step over the center line onto the opponent's court.