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(For a right hander) A fade is a shot in Golf, which starts to the left of the target line and moves back towards the target.

For a right hander it is a left to right shot, for a left hander it is a right to left shot.

A fade is quite a nice shot to hit, it is useful when trying to get a shot to land softer, or take a couple of yards of a club.

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Convert word 'fade' in noun?

'Fade' can indeed be a noun - as in 'a fade to black' in a movie. Fade is its own noun.

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Ben Hogan was a fader of the ball. He started out as a hooker due to his strong grip but later weakened his grip to fade the ball and go on to win many golf tournaments.

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Fade is one syllable.

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Fade use the word in a sentence?

To fade means to become lighter or less noticeable. If you keep losing weight, you will fade away. The dark spots fade when you use this cream.

What is a ball that curves to the right called in golf?

A shot that starts straight, or to the left and then works right is known as a fade. (For right handed golfers) --------------- For right handed golfers a Slice is a shot that curves to the right and a Hook is a shot that curves to the left.

What is a fade shot in golf?

Stand with your feet/body and shoulders aiming left (where you want the ball to start) point the club face to the right (where you want the ball to finish) and swing along you body line with an out to in swing path.