do you mean a backflip as in a back tuck? (which would be without hands) or back flip as in back hand spring? (which would be with hands) if you mean backtuck its just called a cartwheel back tuck bvut if you mean with back hand spring then it is just cartwheel back hand spring hope that helps.!
Well a backflip is harder than a cartwheel but if you can do a back walkover then there is a chance.
it is if your athletic
a cartwheel with no hands is... A SIDE AERIAL.
Form of acrobatics and gymnastics
xbox 360 - Hold R1 and rotate the right thumbstick around in a full clockwise motion twice. You should do a cartwheel into a backflip. You also need to be near the touchline to do it. I don't know how you finish on your feet yet though...
Technically it is but the gymnastic term for one is called a back handspring.
a mini cartwheel is called when u dont keep your legs straight.
It is called a roundoff.
Its called an Ariel
Cartwheel is not a dance.
I've always heard it called a roundoff.
There are many,many moves in gymnastics,more advanced ones and easier basic ones. there are also categories each fall in.