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A baseliner is a tennis player who seldom moves towards the net, preferring to play near the baseline.

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A baseline is a line which is the base for measurement or construction.

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 34 words with the pattern B--E---E-. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter B and 4th letter E and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: bakelites bakewares balefires bareboned barebones barefaced baregines baseliner baselines bedeviled bejeweled beleaguer bemedaled beneficed benefices benefited benefiter benempted bepearled beseeched beseecher beseeches beverages bewearied bewearies bheesties blueliner bluelines bluenosed bluenoses boletuses borecoles boreholes byrewomen

Which is better babolat pure drive or aeropro drive with cortex which one do you recommend for me being a baseliner who like to hit hard please state the pros and cons of each racquet?

I have used both babolat rackets, both have pluses and minuses. The Aeropro brings much more spin for players looking for more topspin; it is also very good for volleying at angles. For baseline players this racket would be very good, except that it lacks a little bit in the category of power. The Pure Drive on the other hand is a great racket for power, but lacks in spin. But for players looking for more power from the baseline the Pure Drive would be better. Such as the Aeropro volleying is fairly easy, but I have found out that for players who do not have much control on their volleys, it may be tough because of the power this racket generates. The cortex system really gives a good feel when you hit the ball, which both rackets contain. They also both contain woofer technology. Overall, the Aeropro allows you to hit more spin from the baseline, while the pure drive gives you more power. I would recommend the Aeropro although. But if you do not like the comfort of the cortex, then you could go for the Aeropro without cortex, which I also own and is one of my favorite racquets. Both are great rackets, and it matters on what kind of player you are.

What sport do you associate with steffi graf?

For being the most accomplished tennis player on all surfaces. Winning each Major with it's unique surface at least four times. Being no 1 for a record 377 weeks, and of course being the only player in tennis history to win The Golden Grand Slam (all four tennis majors in a calendar year) on four different surfaces in addition to a Gold medal having done this in 1988. Her 22 majors or grand slams titles in addition to 107 tour titles make her the most consistent player to win on all surfaces. She brought in a new style of play being the most accomplished all courter the game has seen. Tennis before the Graf era was played either by serve and volleyers, or baseliners. Graf put together in her game the defensive mastery of a baseliner with the offensive minded style of a serve and volleyer, and set the trend for the all court style played today. When Rod Laver ,Don Budge,Mo Connelly,and Margaret Court won The Grand Slam, three of the four of the Majors surfaces were on grass, Steffi Graf is still in 2010 the only player to complete The Grand Slam on four different surfaces, on Rebound Ace a slow rubberized surface, Australian Open (now played on a conventional hard court) Clay at the Roland Garros, grass at Wimbledon, and Hard Court at the U.S. Open.

What is the correct grip used in badminton?

There are a few different grips you use in tennis. The different grips include: the Continental Grip, Eastern Grip, Western Grip, Semi-Western Grip, and two-handed backhand grip. Let's start with the Continental Grip. You would use this grip when you are at the net hitting volleys and overheads. You will also use it when serving. You hold the racquet like a hammer with the "V" of your thumb and index finger on the narrower edge of the racquet grip. You'll want to use the Eastern Grip when you wish to hit ground storkes that are flat or have topspin. Hold the racquet with the "V" slightly off to the right. You'll want to use the Western Grip when you want to use extreme topspin. This grip is a preferred grip of clay court players because topspin rules on clay. The "V" extremely far off to the right. You'll want to use the Semi-Western Grip when you want to add power and you are a baseliner. You can either hit topsin or flat with this grip. The "V" is between that of the Eastern Grip and the Western Grip. It is recommended to have a Tennis professional demonstrate the different grips for you, so that you are doing them properly.

What equipment to you need to play tennis?

There are so many rules in the Tennis if you want to learn that rules in a simply way follow that link there's a understandable article about tennis rules thank you.

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3-letter wordsaal, aas, aba, aby, ace, act, ail, ain, air, ais, ait, ala, alb, ale, als, alt, ana, ane, ani, ant, any, arb, arc, are, ars, art, ate, aye, ays, baa, bal, ban, bar, bas, bat, bay, bee, bel, ben, bet, bey, bin, bio, bis, bit, boa, boo, bos, bot, boy, bra, brr, bye, bys, cab, can, car, cat, cay, cee, cis, cob, col, con, coo, cor, cos, cot, coy, cry, ear, eat, eel, els, ens, eon, era, ere, ern, err, ers, eta, eye, ice, icy, ins, ion, ire, its, lab, lac, lar, las, lat, lay, lea, lee, lei, let, ley, lib, lie, lin, lis, lit, lob, loo, lot, lye, nab, nae, nay, neb, nee, net, nib, nil, nit, nob, noo, nor, nos, not, oar, oat, obe, obi, oca, oes, oil, ole, one, ons, oot, ora, orb, orc, ore, ors, ort, ose, ran, ras, rat, ray, reb, rec, ree, rei, res, ret, ria, rib, rin, rob, roc, roe, rot, rya, rye, sab, sac, sae, sal, sat, say, sea, sec, see, sei, sel, sen, ser, set, sib, sic, sin, sir, sit, sly, sob, sol, son, sot, soy, sri, sty, syn, tab, tae, tan, tao, tar, tas, tea, tee, tel, ten, tic, tie, til, tin, tis, toe, ton, too, tor, toy, try, tye, yar, yea, yen, yes, yet, yin, yob, yon4-letter wordsaals, abas, abet, able, ably, abri, abye, abys, aces, acne, acre, acta, acts, acyl, aeon, aero, aery, ails, ains, airn, airs, airt, airy, aits, alae, alan, alar, alas, alba, albs, alec, alee, ales, alit, aloe, also, alto, alts, anal, anas, anes, anil, anis, anoa, ansa, anta, ante, anti, ants, arbs, arco, arcs, area, ares, aria, aril, arts, arty, aryl, asci, asea, ates, ayes, ayin, baal, baas, bail, bait, bale, bals, bane, bani, bans, bare, barn, bars, base, bast, bate, bats, bays, bean, bear, beat, been, beer, bees, beet, bels, belt, bene, bens, bent, best, beta, bets, beys, bias, bice, bier, bile, bine, bins, bint, bios, birl, birr, bise, bite, bits, blae, blat, blet, blin, bloc, blot, boar, boas, boat, boil, bola, bole, bolo, bolt, bone, bony, boon, boor, boos, boot, bora, bore, born, bort, bota, bots, boyo, boys, brae, bran, bras, brat, bray, bree, bren, brie, brin, brio, bris, brit, broo, byes, byre, byrl, byte, cabs, caca, cain, cane, cans, cant, carb, care, carl, carn, cars, cart, casa, case, cast, cate, cats, cays, ceca, cees, ceil, celt, cent, cere, cero, cete, ciao, cine, cion, cire, cist, cite, city, clan, clay, clon, clot, cloy, coal, coat, cobs, coca, coco, coil, coin, coir, cola, cole, cols, colt, coly, cone, coni, cons, cony, cool, coon, coos, coot, core, corn, cory, cost, cosy, cote, cots, coys, crab, crib, cris, croc, cyan, cyst, earl, earn, ears, ease, east, easy, eats, ebon, eels, eely, eery, elan, else, enol, eons, eras, erne, erns, eros, errs, erst, etas, etic, etna, eyas, eyen, eyer, eyes, eyne, eyra, eyre, ices, icon, ilea, inby, inly, inro, into, ions, iota, ires, iron, isba, isle, labs, lace, lacs, lacy, laic, lain, lair, lane, lari, lars, lase, last, late, lati, lats, lays, lean, lear, leas, leer, lees, leet, leis, leno, lens, lent, lest, lets, leys, liar, libs, lice, lien, lier, lies, line, lino, lins, lint, liny, lion, lira, lire, list, lits, loan, lobe, lobo, lobs, loca, loci, loco, loin, lone, loon, loos, loot, lore, lorn, lory, lose, lost, lota, loti, lots, lyes, lyre, lyse, nabe, nabs, nail, naoi, naos, narc, nary, nays, near, neat, nebs, nest, nets, nibs, nice, nils, nits, nobs, noel, noes, noil, nolo, nose, nosy, nota, note, oars, oast, oats, obes, obey, obia, obis, obit, oboe, obol, ocas, oils, oily, olea, oleo, oles, olio, once, ones, only, onto, oots, oral, orbs, orby, orca, orcs, ores, orle, orra, orts, osar, otic, oyer, oyes, race, racy, raia, rail, rain, rale, rani, rant, rare, rase, rate, rato, rats, raya, rays, real, rear, rebs, recs, reel, rees, rein, reis, rely, rent, rest, rete, rets, rial, rias, ribs, rice, riel, rile, rins, riot, rise, rite, roan, roar, robe, robs, rocs, roes, roil, role, root, rose, rosy, rota, rote, rotl, roto, rots, ryas, ryes, ryot, sabe, sail, sain, sale, salt, sane, sari, sate, sati, scab, scan, scar, scat, scot, scry, seal, sear, seat, sect, seel, seen, seer, sene, sent, sera, sere, seta, sial, sice, silo, silt, sine, sire, site, slab, slat, slay, slit, slob, sloe, slot, snib, snit, snob, snot, snye, soar, soil, sola, sole, soli, solo, sone, soon, soot, sora, sorb, sore, sori, sorn, sort, soya, stab, star, stay, stey, stir, stoa, stob, stye, sybo, syce, syli, sync, syne, tabs, tace, taco, tael, tail, tain, tala, talc, tale, tali, tans, taos, tare, tarn, taro, tars, teal, tear, teas, teel, teen, tees, tela, tele, tels, tens, tern, tics, tier, ties, tile, tils, tine, tins, tiny, tire, tirl, tiro, toby, toea, toes, toil, tola, tole, tone, tons, tony, tool, toon, tora, torc, tore, tori, torn, toro, torr, tors, tory, toyo, toys, tray, tree, trey, trio, troy, tsar, tyee, tyes, tyne, tyre, tyro, yare, yarn, yean, year, yeas, yens, yeti, yins, yirr, yobs, yoni, yore5-letter wordsabaci, abase, abate, abele, abets, abler, ables, aboil, aboon, abort, abris, abyes, acari, acerb, aceta, acnes, acorn, acres, actin, actor, acyls, aecia, aeons, aerie, airer, airns, airts, aisle, alane, alans, alant, alary, alate, albas, alecs, alert, alias, alien, aline, alist, aliya, aloes, aloin, alone, altar, alter, altos, anear, anele, anile, anils, anise, anlas, anoas, anole, ansae, antae, antas, antes, antic, antis, antra, antre, antsy, aorta, arbor, areae, areal, areas, areca, areic, arena, arete, arias, ariel, arils, arise, arles, arose, arras, array, arris, arson, artal, artel, artsy, aryls, ascot, aster, astir, asyla, atlas, atone, atony, atria, ayins, baals, bacca, bacon, bails, bairn, baits, balas, baler, bales, balsa, banal, banco, banes, banty, barer, bares, baric, barns, barny, baron, barre, barye, basal, baser, basic, basil, basin, baste, bates, baton, beano, beans, bears, beast, beats, beers, beery, beets, belay, belie, belts, benes, bents, beret, berry, beryl, beset, besot, betas, betel, beton, bialy, bices, biers, biles, binal, bines, bints, biont, biota, birle, birls, birrs, birse, bison, biter, bites, bitsy, blain, blare, blase, blast, blate, blats, blear, bleat, blent, blest, blets, blite, bloat, blocs, blots, boars, boart, boast, boats, bocce, bocci, boils, boite, bolar, bolas, boles, bolos, bolts, boner, bones, boney, boons, boors, boost, boots, booty, boral, boras, borer, bores, boric, borne, boron, borts, borty, boson, botas, botel, boyar, boyla, boyos, brace, bract, braes, brail, brain, brans, brant, brats, brays, brees, brens, brent, briar, brier, bries, brine, brins, briny, brios, brits, broil, bronc, broos, brose, brosy, byres, byrls, bytes, cabal, caber, cabin, cable, cacao, cacas, cacti, caeca, cains, cairn, canal, caner, canes, canoe, canso, canst, canto, cants, canty, carat, carbs, carer, cares, caret, carle, carls, carns, carny, carob, carol, carry, carse, carte, carts, caste, cater, cates, cease, cecal, ceiba, ceils, celeb, celts, cense, cento, cents, ceorl, cerci, ceres, ceria, ceric, ceros, cesta, cesti, cetes, cibol, cines, cions, circa, cires, cisco, citer, cites, clans, claro, clary, clast, clays, clean, clear, cleat, cline, clone, clons, cloot, close, clots, cloys, coact, coala, coals, coaly, coast, coati, coats, cobia, coble, cobra, cocas, cocoa, cocos, coils, coins, coirs, colas, coles, colic, colin, colon, color, colts, cones, coney, conic, conte, conto, cooee, cooer, cooey, cools, cooly, coons, coots, coral, corby, corer, cores, coria, corns, corny, corse, cosec, coset, cosey, cosie, costa, cotan, cotes, coyer, craal, crabs, crane, crate, creel, crest, cribs, crier, cries, croci, crocs, crone, crony, croon, crore, cyano, cyans, cycas, cycle, cyclo, cynic, cyton, earls, early, earns, easel, eaten, eater, ebons, ebony, eclat, elain, elans, elate, elect, elint, elite, eloin, enact, enate, enols, enrol, enter, entia, entry, eosin, erase, erect, erica, ernes, erose, escar, escot, ester, etnas, eyers, eyras, eyres, eyrie, eyrir, icons, ileac, inbye, inert, inlay, inlet, inset, inter, intro, iotas, irate, irone, irons, irony, islet, istle, labia, labor, labra, lacer, laces, lacey, laics, lairs, laity, lanai, lance, lanes, laree, lares, laris, laser, laten, later, layer, leans, leant, learn, lears, leary, lease, least, leben, leers, leery, leets, lenes, lenis, lenos, lense, lento, leone, liana, liane, liars, liber, libra, liens, liers, linac, liner, lines, liney, linos, lints, linty, lions, liras, lirot, litas, liter, litre, loans, lobar, lobes, lobos, locos, loins, loner, looby, looey, looie, loons, loony, loose, loots, loran, lores, loris, lorry, loser, lotas, lotic, lotos, lyart, lyase, lycea, lycee, lyres, lyric, lysin, lytic, nabes, nabis, nacre, nails, naira, narco, narcs, nares, naric, naris, nasal, nasty, natal, nates, nears, neats, neist, nerol, nerts, nicer, nicol, niece, niter, nitre, nitro, noble, nobly, noels, noils, noily, noise, noisy, nolos, noose, noria, nosey, notal, noter, notes, nyala, oaten, oater, obeli, obese, obeys, obias, obits, oboes, obole, oboli, obols, ocean, ocrea, octal, octan, octyl, oiler, oleic, olein, oleos, olios, onery, onset, ontic, oorie, orals, orate, orbit, orcas, orcin, oriel, orles, ornis, orris, osier, ostia, oyers, rabat, rabic, racer, races, racon, raias, rails, rains, rainy, raise, rales, rance, ranee, ranis, rants, rares, raser, ratal, ratan, ratel, rater, rates, ratio, ratos, rayas, rayon, react, reals, rears, reata, rebec, rebel, recon, recta, recti, recto, reels, reest, reins, relay, relet, relic, relit, renal, rente, rents, reoil, reran, resay, reset, resin, retia, retie, retro, retry, rials, riant, riata, ribes, ricer, rices, riels, riles, riley, rinse, riots, risen, riser, rites, riyal, roans, roars, roast, robes, robin, roble, robot, roils, roily, roles, roose, roost, roots, rooty, roset, rosin, rotas, rotes, rotls, rotor, rotos, royal, ryots, saber, sabin, sabir, sable, sabot, sabra, sabre, sacra, saice, saint, salic, salon, salty, saner, saran, saree, sarin, satay, satin, satyr, sayer, scale, scaly, scant, scare, scart, scary, scena, scene, scent, scion, scone, scoot, score, scorn, scree, secco, seely, seine, senor, senti, serac, serai, seral, serer, serin, serry, setae, setal, seton, sibyl, silty, since, siree, siren, sirra, sitar, slain, slant, slate, slaty, sleet, slice, slier, slyer, snail, snare, snarl, sneer, snool, snoot, snore, snort, sober, socle, solan, solar, solei, solon, sonar, sonic, sonly, sooey, sooty, sorel, sorer, sorry, sotol, stain, stair, stale, stane, stare, steal, steel, steer, stein, stela, stele, steno, stere, stern, stile, stoae, stoai, stoic, stole, stone, stony, stool, store, story, stray, stria, stroy, style, styli, sycee, syren, taber, tabes, tabla, table, taboo, tabor, taces, tacos, taels, tails, tains, talar, talas, talcs, taler, tales, talon, tansy, tares, tarns, taroc, taros, tarre, tarry, tarsi, teals, tears, teary, tease, teels, teens, teeny, telae, teles, telia, telic, teloi, telos, tenia, tenor, tense, terai, terce, terne, terns, terra, terry, terse, tesla, tiara, tical, tiers, tiler, tiles, tinea, tines, tires, tirls, tiros, toile, toils, tolan, tolas, toles, tonal, toner, tones, toney, tonic, tools, toons, toras, torcs, tores, toric, toros, torse, torsi, torso, toyer, toyon, toyos, trace, trail, train, trans, trays, treen, trees, treys, triac, trial, tribe, trice, trier, tries, trine, triol, trios, trois, trona, trone, troys, tyees, tynes, tyres, tyros, yarer, yarns, yeans, yearn, years, yeast, yenta, yente, yerba, yetis, yince, yirrs, yonic, yonis, yores6-letter wordsabaser, abater, abates, abatis, abator, abeles, ablate, ablest, ablins, aboral, aborts, abseil, absent, accent, accost, acetal, acetic, acetin, acetyl, acinar, acorns, actins, action, actors, aecial, aeonic, aerate, aerial, aerier, aeries, aerily, aerobe, airers, airest, alants, alates, albeit, albino, albite, alcaic, alerts, aliens, aliner, alines, aliyas, aliyos, aliyot, alnico, aloins, altars, alters, anears, aneles, anlace, anoles, ansate, antiar, antics, antler, antral, antres, aorist, aortae, aortal, aortas, aortic, arabic, arable, arbors, arcane, arctic, arecas, arenas, areola, areole, aretes, ariels, ariose, arioso, arisen, arista, aristo, arnica, aroint, aroynt, arrant, arrays, arrest, arroba, arroyo, arseno, arsine, arsino, artels, artery, artier, artily, ascent, aslant, astern, astony, astral, astray, atelic, atonal, atoner, atones, atonic, atrial, baccae, bacons, bailee, bailer, bailey, bailor, bairns, baiter, baleen, balers, bancos, banter, barely, barest, barite, barley, barons, barony, barrel, barren, barres, barret, barrio, barter, baryes, baryon, baryta, baryte, basalt, basely, basion, baster, batons, beacon, beanie, beanos, bearer, beaten, beater, belays, belier, belies, berate, berets, berlin, beryls, bestir, betels, betise, betons, betony, betray, beylic, bialys, bicorn, bicron, binary, binate, binocs, bionts, biotas, birler, birles, bisect, bister, bistre, bistro, biters, blains, blares, blasty, blears, bleary, bleats, blites, bloats, blooey, blooie, boarts, boatel, boater, bocces, boccia, boccie, boccis, boiler, boites, bolero, bolete, boleti, bolson, bolter, bonaci, boners, bonier, bonita, bonito, bonsai, bootee, bootie, borals, borane, borate, boreal, boreen, borers, borons, boston, botany, botels, boyars, boylas, bracer, braces, bracts, brails, brains, brainy, braise, brants, brasil, brayer, breast, brents, briars, briary, briers, briery, briner, brines, briony, broils, bronco, broncs, byline, byrnie, cabals, cabers, cabins, cables, cablet, cacaos, caecal, caesar, cairns, cairny, calcar, calces, calesa, calico, calory, canals, canary, cancel, cancer, caners, canoes, canter, cantic, cantle, cantor, cantos, carate, carats, carbon, carboy, carcel, careen, career, carers, carets, caribe, caries, carina, carles, carlin, carnal, carnet, carney, carnie, carobs, caroli, carols, carrel, carrot, cartel, carter, cartes, carton, caseic, casein, casern, casino, casita, caster, castle, castor, catalo, catena, caters, cation, catlin, ceibas, ceiler, celebs, celery, celiac, cenote, censer, censor, cental, center, centos, centra, centre, ceorls, cerate, cercis, cereal, cerias, cerise, cerite, certes, cestoi, cetane, cibols, cicala, cicale, cicely, cicero, cineol, circle, citers, citola, citole, citral, citron, claret, claros, cleans, clears, cleats, cleric, client, clines, cloaca, cloner, clones, clonic, cloots, closer, closet, coacts, coalas, coaler, coarse, coatee, coater, coatis, cobalt, cobias, cobles, cobras, cocain, cocoas, coerce, coiler, coiner, coital, colics, colies, colins, colobi, colone, coloni, colons, colony, colors, colter, coneys, conics, conies, consol, contes, contos, contra, cooees, cooers, cooeys, cooler, coolie, cootie, corals, corban, corbel, corbie, corers, cornea, cornel, corner, cornet, corona, corral, corrie, corsac, corset, cortin, cosier, cosily, cosine, costae, costal, costar, coster, costly, cotans, coyest, coyote, craals, cranes, crania, crater, crates, craton, crayon, crease, creasy, create, creels, crenel, creole, cresol, cresyl, cretic, cretin, criers, crista, crones, croons, crores, croton, cyanic, cycler, cycles, cyclos, cynics, cystic, cytons, earner, easier, easily, easter, eaters, eatery, ecarte, eclair, eclats, eerily, elains, elater, elates, elects, elints, elites, eloins, elytra, enable, enacts, enates, enatic, encase, encore, encyst, enisle, enlace, enlist, enolic, enrobe, enrols, enroot, ensile, entail, entera, enters, entice, entire, entoil, eolian, eosine, eraser, erects, ericas, erotic, errant, errata, escort, estral, estray, estrin, etalon, etoile, eyries, icones, incase, incest, inerts, inlace, inlays, inlets, insect, insert, insole, instal, instar, inters, intros, irater, ironer, irones, irreal, isobar, labors, labret, lacers, lacier, lactic, lanais, lanate, lancer, lances, lancet, lanose, larees, lariat, larine, lascar, laster, lateen, latens, latino, latria, layers, leaner, learns, learnt, leaser, lebens, lectin, lector, lenity, lentic, lentos, leones, lesion, lianas, lianes, libers, librae, libras, lictor, lierne, linacs, linear, liners, linsey, linter, listen, lister, litany, liters, litres, loaner, lobate, locate, locoes, loiter, loners, looeys, looies, looney, loosen, looser, looter, lorans, lorica, lories, lotion, lycees, lyrate, lyrics, lyrist, lysate, lysine, nacres, nailer, narcos, narial, nasial, nastic, nearby, nearer, nearly, neater, neatly, nectar, nereis, neroli, nerols, nester, nestle, nestor, nicely, nicest, nicety, nicols, nieces, niters, nitery, nitres, nitros, nobler, nobles, noetic, nooser, norias, norite, nosier, nosily, nostoc, notary, noters, notice, nyalas, oaters, obelia, obeyer, oblast, oblate, oboist, oboles, obtain, oceans, ocelot, ocreae, octane, octans, octroi, octyls, oilcan, oilers, oleate, oleine, oleins, oocyst, oocyte, oolite, oorali, oracle, orates, orator, orbier, orbits, orcein, orcins, oriels, orient, oriole, orison, ornate, ornery, orrice, oscine, osteal, ostler, otiose, oyster, rabato, rabats, rabies, racers, racial, racier, racily, racist, racons, racoon, railer, raiser, rances, rancor, ranees, ranter, rarely, rarest, rarity, rascal, raster, ratals, ratans, ratany, ratels, raters, ratine, ration, ratios, ratlin, ratoon, rayons, reacts, realer, reales, realia, realty, reason, reatas, rebait, rebate, rebato, rebecs, rebels, reboil, rebore, reborn, recane, recant, recast, recent, recite, recoal, recoil, recoin, recons, rectal, rector, rectos, reearn, relace, relate, relays, relent, relets, relics, relict, relier, relies, reline, relist, reloan, renail, renest, rental, renter, rentes, reoils, rerise, rerose, resail, resale, reseal, reseat, resect, resent, resile, resiny, resite, resole, resorb, resort, rester, retail, retain, retear, retial, reties, retina, retine, retire, retool, retore, retorn, retral, retros, rialto, riatas, riblet, ribose, ricers, ricrac, rictal, rinser, rioter, riyals, robalo, robins, robles, robots, rooser, rooter, rosary, roscoe, rosery, rosier, rosily, rosiny, roster, rostra, rotary, rotors, royals, sabine, sacral, sailer, sailor, salary, salina, saline, saloon, salter, saltie, sancta, sanely, sanity, santir, santol, sartor, sateen, satiny, satire, satori, scalar, scaler, scanty, scarab, scarce, scarer, scarey, scarry, scenic, sclera, sconce, scorer, scoria, scoter, scotia, screen, scribe, scrota, sealer, seance, searer, seater, secant, secern, secret, sector, seiner, select, senary, senate, seneca, senile, senior, senora, sentry, serail, serein, serial, serine, siccan, sierra, silane, silent, sinter, sirree, slanty, slater, slatey, slayer, sleety, slicer, snarer, snarly, snooty, snorer, soarer, sobeit, soccer, social, soiree, solace, solano, solate, solion, sonata, sooner, sorbet, sorbic, sorely, sorner, sorrel, sorter, sortie, stable, stably, staler, stance, starer, starry, stayer, steely, stelae, stelai, stelar, stelic, stereo, steric, sterna, sterol, stolen, stolon, stoner, stoney, storey, strain, striae, strobe, stylar, styler, tabers, tablas, tables, taboos, tabors, taenia, tailer, tailor, talars, talers, talion, talons, tanrec, tarnal, tarocs, tarres, tarsal, tarsia, tearer, teasel, teaser, teensy, telson, tenace, tenail, teniae, tenias, tenors, tenrec, tenser, tensor, terais, terbia, terbic, tercel, terces, ternes, terrae, terras, terser, tiaras, ticals, tierce, tilers, tincal, tineal, tineas, tinsel, tisane, tobies, tocsin, toiler, toiles, tolane, tolans, toners, tonics, tonier, tonsil, tooler, torero, tories, torose, toyers, toyons, tracer, traces, trails, trains, trance, treble, trebly, treens, triacs, trials, tribal, tribes, trices, triene, triens, triers, trilby, trinal, trines, triols, triose, trocar, tronas, trones, tycoon, yantra, yarest, yarner, yearns, yeelin, yentas, yentes, yerbas, yester7-letter wordsabalone, abaters, abators, abelian, abeyant, ablates, aborter, abreact, abreast, abrosia, absence, abstain, acarine, accents, accrete, acerate, acerber, acerbic, acerola, acerose, acetals, acetins, acetone, acetose, acetyls, acinose, acolyte, aconite, acrasin, acrobat, acronic, acrotic, acrylic, actable, actinal, actions, acylate, acyloin, aeolian, aerates, aerator, aerials, aeriest, aerobes, aerobia, aerobic, aerosat, aerosol, aileron, airboat, alastor, alation, albinos, albites, alcaics, alerter, aliener, alienor, aliners, aloetic, alterer, anality, analyse, analyst, anestri, anisole, anlaces, anolyte, antiars, anticar, anticly, antlers, antsier, arables, arbiter, arbores, arcsine, arctics, arenite, arenose, areolae, areolar, areolas, areoles, aristae, arnicas, aroints, aroynts, arrobas, arroyos, arsenal, arsenic, article, artisan, artsier, ascetic, ascribe, asocial, asteria, astylar, atelier, atoners, atonics, atonies, atresia, baccate, bailees, bailers, baileys, bailors, bairnly, baiters, balance, balcony, baleens, baloney, banters, banties, barites, barleys, barnier, baronet, barrels, barrens, barrets, barrios, barters, baryons, barytas, barytes, barytic, basilar, basinal, basinet, bastile, bastion, bayonet, beacons, beanery, beanies, bearcat, bearers, beastie, beastly, beaters, beliers, berates, berline, berlins, berries, bestial, betaine, betrays, beylics, bicolor, bicorne, bicrons, bicycle, bilayer, binocle, biotron, birlers, blarney, blaster, blastie, bleater, blister, bloater, boaster, boatels, boaters, boccias, boccies, boilers, boleros, boletes, boloney, bolster, bolters, bonacis, boneset, boniest, bonitas, bonitos, boonies, booster, bootees, bootery, booties, boraces, boracic, boranes, borates, boreens, borneol, bornite, boronic, borstal, botanic, botonee, bracero, bracers, brasier, brayers, breccia, bricole, briners, brisant, bristle, bristly, bristol, brocoli, broiler, broncos, byliner, bylines, byrnies, cabaret, cabinet, cablets, caboose, calcars, calcine, calcite, caliber, calibre, calices, calicos, caloric, calorie, caloyer, calyces, cancels, cancers, canters, cantles, cantors, carabin, caracol, carates, carbarn, carbine, carbons, carbora, carboys, carcase, carcels, careens, careers, caribes, carices, carinae, carinal, carinas, carioca, cariole, caritas, carline, carlins, carnets, carneys, carnies, caroler, carotin, carrels, carries, carrion, carrots, carroty, carryon, cartels, carters, cartons, cartoon, caseate, caserne, catalos, catenae, catenas, cateran, caterer, cations, catlins, ceilers, celesta, celiacs, celosia, cenacle, cenotes, centals, centare, centers, centile, central, centres, centric, cerates, ceratin, cereals, cerebra, cerites, cerotic, certain, cetanes, cicalas, ciceros, cicoree, cineast, cineole, cineols, circler, circles, circlet, cirrate, cirrose, cistern, cistron, citable, citolas, citoles, citrals, citrons, clarets, claries, clarion, clarity, claroes, clastic, clayier, cleaner, cleanse, clearer, clerics, clerisy, clients, cloacae, cloacas, cloners, clyster, coactor, coalbin, coalers, coalier, coarsen, coarser, coastal, coaster, coatees, coaters, cobalts, cocaine, cocains, coeliac, coenact, coercer, coerces, coerect, coesite, coilers, coiners, cointer, colones, colonic, colorer, colters, conceal, conceit, concert, concise, conical, console, consort, contras, control, coolant, coolers, coolest, coolies, coontie, cooties, coracle, coranto, corbans, corbeil, corbels, corbies, corbina, corncob, corneal, corneas, cornels, corners, cornets, cornice, cornier, cornily, coronae, coronal, coronas, coronel, coroner, coronet, corrals, correct, corries, corsair, corslet, cortins, costrel, coterie, coyotes, cranial, craters, cratons, crayons, creaser, creates, creatin, creator, crenate, crenels, creoles, creosol, crestal, cretics, cretins, cristae, crocein, crocine, cronies, crooner, crosier, crotons, cryonic, crystal, cyanate, cyanite, cycasin, cyclase, cyclers, cyclist, cyclone, cylices, cynical, cystein, cystine, cytosol, earlier, earlobe, earners, earnest, eastern, eatable, ebonies, ebonise, ebonite, ecartes, ecbolic, eccrine, eclairs, ecotone, elastic, elastin, elaters, elation, elector, electro, eloiner, elysian, elytron, enabler, enables, enactor, enclose, encores, enlaces, enolase, enrober, enrobes, enroots, entails, entasia, enteral, enteric, enticer, entices, entires, entoils, entries, eobiont, erasion, erectly, erector, erosely, erosion, erotica, erotics, errancy, errants, erratas, erratic, escolar, estriol, estrone, etalons, eternal, etesian, etoiles, eyebolt, iceboat, inclose, inertly, inlaces, inlayer, irately, ironers, isobare, isolate, isotone, labiate, laborer, labrets, laciest, laconic, lactary, lactase, lactean, lactone, lactose, lancers, lancets, laniary, larceny, lariats, lateens, latency, latices, latinos, latrias, latrine, leaners, leanest, learier, learner, lectern, lectins, lection, lectors, leister, lesbian, liberty, library, librate, licence, license, licente, lictors, liernes, lineate, linters, lisente, loaners, lobster, locater, locates, locator, loiters, loobies, looneys, loonier, loonies, looters, loricae, loriner, lorries, lotions, nailers, nailset, narcist, narcose, narrate, nastier, nastily, nearest, necrose, nectars, nectary, nerolis, nestler, nitroso, noblest, norites, nostril, notable, notably, notices, obconic, obelias, obelise, obesely, obesity, obeyers, oblasti, oblates, obscene, obtains, ocarina, oceanic, ocelots, ocreate, octanes, octanol, octrois, oestrin, oilcans, oleates, oleines, onerier, oocytes, oolites, ooralis, oracles, oralist, orality, oration, orators, oratory, orbiest, orbital, orbiter, orceins, orcinol, orectic, orients, orioles, orrices, ortolan, ostiary, ostiole, ostraca, rabatos, raccoon, raciest, racoons, railcar, railers, rancors, ranters, rarebit, rasbora, ratable, ratably, ratines, rations, ratline, ratlins, ratoons, reactor, realest, realise, realist, reality, realter, rebaits, rebater, rebates, rebatos, reboant, reboils, rebores, recanes, recants, recency, recital, reciter, recites, reclean, recline, recoals, recoils, recoins, recolor, recrate, rectors, rectory, recycle, reearns, reenact, reentry, reinter, relaces, relater, relates, relator, relearn, relents, reliant, relicts, reliers, relines, reloans, renails, rentals, renters, rentier, reraise, rerisen, rescale, rescore, reslate, restore, restyle, retable, retails, retains, retears, retiary, reticle, retinae, retinal, retinas, retines, retinol, retires, retools, retrace, retrain, retrial, retries, retsina, rialtos, riantly, riblets, ricracs, rioters, roaster, robalos, robotic, robotry, roister, rooster, rooters, rootier, rosaria, roseate, rosebay, roseola, rosinol, rostral, royster, sabaton, sabayon, sacaton, saccate, saintly, salient, saltern, saltier, saltine, saltire, sanicle, satanic, satyric, sayable, scalare, scalene, scaleni, scalier, scanter, scantly, scarcer, scarier, scarily, scarlet, scenery, science, sclerae, scooter, scoriae, scorner, scribal, scriber, scrotal, seaboot, sealant, sealery, sebacic, secrecy, sectary, sectile, section, selenic, senator, senecio, seriate, serrate, setline, sierran, silence, sincere, sirocco, slainte, slatier, snarler, snorter, soberer, soberly, society, solacer, solaria, solatia, soleret, soliton, sootier, sootily, sorbate, sorbent, sorcery, sororal, sorrily, soybean, stabile, stabler, stainer, stealer, stearic, stearin, stencil, sterile, sternal, sterner, sternly, stoical, stonier, stonily, stoolie, strayer, strobic, strobil, stroyer, styrene, syconia, syenite, taborer, taborin, taeniae, taenias, tailers, tailors, talcose, talions, tanrecs, tarries, tarsier, tearers, tearier, tearily, teleran, tenable, tenably, tenaces, tenails, tenrecs, tensely, tensile, terbias, tercels, terebic, ternary, terrace, terrain, terrane, terries, terrine, tersely, tiercel, tierces, tincals, tobacco, toenail, toilers, tolanes, toolers, toreros, torsion, tracers, tracery, trailer, trainee, trainer, trances, treacle, treacly, treason, trebles, trenail, triable, tricorn, trienes, trinary, trocars, trysail, tsarina, tycoons, tylosin, tyronic, yantras, yarners, yearner, yeelins, yestern8-letter wordsabalones, aberrant, abeyance, ablation, aborters, abortion, abrasion, abreacts, absenter, absently, acarines, accentor, accretes, acentric, acerbate, acerbest, acerbity, acerolas, acescent, acetones, acetonic, acetylic, acierate, acolytes, aconites, acrobats, acrolein, acrostic, acrylate, acrylics, acylates, acyloins, aeration, aerators, aerobics, aerolite, ailerons, airboats, airborne, alacrity, alations, albacore, albicore, aleatory, alienate, alieners, alienors, alnicoes, alterers, anabolic, anaerobe, analcite, analects, analyser, analytic, ancestor, ancestry, anolytes, anoretic, anterior, antisera, antrorse, arbalest, arbalist, arbelest, arbiters, arbitral, arboreal, arboreta, arborist, arenites, areolate, arrantly, arsenate, arsenite, arterial, arteries, articles, ascorbic, asternal, ateliers, atonable, bacteria, bacterin, balancer, balances, baloneys, banality, banister, banterer, baritone, barnacle, barniest, baronets, baronial, baronies, barranco, barrenly, barstool, bartisan, baryonic, barytone, basaltic, baseline, basilary, bayonets, bearcats, berascal, berlines, bernicle, beryline, bestiary, betaines, betonies, betrayal, betrayer, biacetyl, bicolors, bicornes, bicycler, bicycles, bilayers, binately, binocles, bioclean, biocycle, biotrons, bisector, blarneys, blastier, blatancy, blearier, bleaters, blistery, bloaters, boloneys, boltonia, bonitoes, bootlace, boracite, borecole, borneols, bornites, botanica, botanies, botanise, botryose, bracelet, braceros, braciola, braciole, bracteal, brantail, breccial, breccias, bricoles, brisance, brocatel, broccoli, brocolis, broilers, bryonies, byliners, cabalist, cabarets, cabernet, cabestro, cabinets, cabresta, cabresto, cabriole, calcanei, calceate, calcines, calcites, calibers, calibres, calicoes, calorics, calories, caloyers, calycate, calycine, canalise, canaries, canceler, canister, canoeist, canticle, carabine, carabins, caracole, caracols, carbarns, carbaryl, carbines, carbinol, carbolic, carbonic, carbonyl, carboras, carcanet, carinate, cariocas, carioles, carlines, carolers, carotene, carotins, carriole, carrions, carrotin, carryons, cartable, cartoons, caryatic, caryotin, cascabel, cascable, cataloes, catbrier, catenary, caterans, caterers, celeriac, celerity, celibacy, celibate, cenacles, cenobite, centares, centiare, centiles, centrals, ceratins, cercaria, cerebral, cerebric, cesarean, cesarian, cetacean, cicerone, cicorees, cilantro, cineaste, cineoles, cinerary, circlers, circlets, cisterna, citeable, clarence, clarinet, clarions, clayiest, cleaners, cleanest, cleanser, clearers, clearest, cloister, coaction, coactors, coalbins, coalesce, coaliest, coarsely, cobaltic, cocaines, cocinera, cocreate, coenacts, coercers, coercion, coerects, coinable, cointers, coistrel, colinear, colocate, colonics, colonies, colonise, colonist, colorant, colorers, colorist, conceals, conceits, concerti, concerto, concerts, conciser, concrete, consoler, contrail, contrary, controls, coolants, coonties, coracles, corantos, corbeils, corbinas, corelate, corncobs, corncrib, cornetcy, cornices, cornicle, corniest, coronals, coronary, coronels, coroners, coronets, corrects, corselet, corsetry, cortical, cortices, cortisol, corybant, cosecant, costlier, coteries, craniate, cratonic, creasier, creatine, creatins, creation, creators, creosote, crescent, cresylic, croceine, croceins, crocoite, crooners, cryolite, cryonics, cryotron, cyanates, cyanites, cyanotic, cyclones, cysteine, cytosine, earliest, earlobes, earstone, easterly, eatables, ebonites, ecbolics, ecclesia, eclosion, ecotonal, ecotones, ectosarc, elaterin, elations, election, electors, electric, electron, electros, elenctic, eloiners, enablers, enactors, enactory, encircle, encloser, enlister, enrobers, ensorcel, entailer, enticers, entirely, entrails, entresol, eobionts, erasable, erection, erectors, erosible, erotical, errantly, erratics, escalate, escarole, esoteric, estancia, eternals, eyebolts, iceboats, inarable, incloser, increase, increate, inlayers, inserter, insolate, instable, interlay, introrse, isocracy, isolator, iterance, labiates, laborers, laborite, lacerate, lactones, lactonic, laitance, lanciers, lanosity, larcener, latrines, leariest, learners, lecterns, lections, liberate, librates, licencer, licences, licenser, licensor, lientery, listener, literacy, literary, lobation, locaters, location, locators, loiterer, looniest, loosener, loricate, loriners, narcotic, narrates, nasality, nearlier, necrotic, neoteric, nestable, nitrosyl, notables, notarial, notaries, notecase, obeisant, oblation, oblatory, obscener, obsolete, obstacle, obtainer, ocarinas, occasion, octanols, octonary, oestriol, oestrone, oilstone, oleaster, oneriest, orations, orbitals, orbiters, orcinols, oriental, orinasal, ornately, ortolans, ostiolar, ostracon, otiosely, oysterer, raccoons, railcars, raincoat, raisable, rarebits, rasorial, ratanies, rateable, rateably, rational, ratlines, ratooner, ratsbane, reaccent, reaction, reactors, realiser, realters, realties, reascent, reasoner, rebaters, recanter, recently, recircle, recitals, reciters, recleans, recliner, reclines, recoiler, recolors, recrates, recreant, recycler, recycles, reenacts, reenlist, reinsert, reinters, relaters, relation, relators, relearns, relearnt, reliance, relocate, rentable, rentiers, reobtain, reorient, resinate, resonate, resorcin, restoral, restrain, retables, retailer, retailor, retainer, reticles, retinals, retinols, retraces, retrains, retrials, rinsable, roborant, robotics, rosarian, roseolar, rotaries, royalist, sailboat, salacity, salience, saliency, sanitary, santalic, sarcenet, satiable, satiably, scantier, scantily, scarcely, scarcity, scenario, scenical, sclerite, seaborne, searobin, seatrain, secantly, secretin, secretly, secretor, sectoral, seicento, selector, senorita, serenata, serenity, serotine, silencer, silenter, sincerer, snarlier, snootier, snootily, sobriety, sociable, sociably, societal, solation, solitary, sonicate, sonority, sorbitol, sororate, sorority, sortable, sortably, stearine, sterical, stilbene, stolonic, stonable, storable, strainer, strobila, strobile, sybarite, synectic, tabooley, taborers, taborine, taborins, tailbone, tailrace, teaberry, tearable, telerans, telsonic, tensible, tensibly, terraces, terrains, terranes, terrible, terribly, terrines, tiercels, tobaccos, toenails, tonsilar, trailers, trainees, trainers, treacles, treenail, trenails, tricolor, tricorne, tricorns, tricycle, triscele, tyrosine, yearlies, yearners, yeastier9-letter wordsaberrance, aberrancy, aberrants, abeyances, ablations, abortions, abstainer, accentors, accretion, acerbates, acierates, acrobatic, acrolects, acroleins, acrylates, acylation, aerations, aerobatic, aerolites, albacores, albicores, aleatoric, alienates, alienator, aliteracy, anaerobes, anaerobic, analcites, analytics, ancestral, anelastic, anorectic, anoretics, antilabor, antisolar, arabinose, arccosine, arecoline, arsenical, arterials, arteriole, ascertain, ascetical, ascorbate, astrolabe, bacterial, bacterias, bacterins, balancers, balconies, banterers, barcarole, baritonal, baritones, barnacles, baronetcy, barracoon, barrancos, barrenest, barytones, baseliner, beastlier, bernicles, betrayals, betrayers, biacetyls, bicoastal, bicyclers, biocycles, bleariest, bolsterer, boltonias, booteries, bootlaces, boracites, borecoles, botanical, botanicas, bracelets, braciolas, bracioles, bracteole, braincase, brantails, brecciate, brocatels, broccolis, cabernets, cabinetry, cabrioles, cabriolet, calaboose, calibrate, cancelers, canoeable, cantabile, canticles, cantorial, carabiner, carabines, caracoles, carbaryls, carbinols, carbolics, carbonate, carbonyls, carcanets, careerist, carnality, carotenes, carrioles, carrotins, cartelise, caryotins, caseation, caseinate, catabolic, catbriers, celebrant, celebrity, celeriacs, celibates, cenobites, censorial, centiares, centraler, centriole, cercariae, cercarial, cercarias, cerebrals, certainer, certainly, cetaceans, cicerones, cilantros, cisternae, cisternal, clarences, clarinets, clearance, coactions, coastline, cobaltine, cocineras, cocreates, cocreator, coenobite, coenocyte, coercible, coercions, coeternal, colocates, colorants, concealer, concertos, concisely, concretes, conscribe, consortia, constable, contrails, corantoes, corelates, corncribs, cornicles, coronates, corrasion, correctly, correlate, cortisone, corybants, craniates, crayonist, creatines, creations, croceines, crocoites, cryolites, cryotrons, cycleries, cyclotron, cytosolic, earnestly, elaborate, elaterins, elections, electrics, electrons, encircles, entailers, erections, erosional, errancies, erratical, escalator, esoterica, eyestrain, iceboater, incorrect, increaser, insectary, interlace, interlays, isooctane, iterances, laborites, lacerates, laitances, larceners, larcenies, larcenist, latencies, liberates, liberator, libratory, licencers, lobations, locations, loiterers, loricates, narcotics, nearliest, nectaries, neoterics, obeisance, oblations, obscenely, obscenity, obstinacy, obtainers, oleoresin, oratories, oratrices, orientals, orneriest, raincoats, rascality, rationale, rationals, ratooners, reaccents, reactance, reactions, rebalance, recanters, recircles, recliners, recoilers, reconcile, recreants, rectorial, rectories, rectrices, recyclers, relations, reliances, relocates, reobtains, reorients, resection, resonator, retailers, retailors, retainers, reticency, roborants, robotries, roseately, royalties, sartorial, sclerotia, sclerotic, sclerotin, scolecite, secretary, secretion, secretory, sectarian, sectional, sectorial, selection, seriately, serotinal, serration, sincerely, soilborne, stainable, stenciler, strobilae, syncretic, tabooleys, taborines, tailbones, tailraces, tarriance, ternaries, tobaccoes, tolerance, tonsorial, torsional, traceable, traceries, trainable, treenails, tricolors, tricornes, tricycles10-letter wordsaberrances, aberrantly, aberration, abeyancies, abreaction, accelerant, accretions, acetylenic, acrobatics, acrostical, actionable, actionably, acylations, aerobatics, alienators, anorectics, anteriorly, arecolines, arterioles, barcaroles, barleycorn, barracoons, bioreactor, blatancies, botanicals, bracteoles, brecciates, cabriolets, calibrates, calibrator, carabineer, carabinero, carabiners, carbonates, carbonylic, catenaries, celebrants, celebrator, centralise, centrioles, clearances, clearstory, clerestory, coalescent, cobaltines, cocreators, coenobites, coenocytes, concealers, concretely, consecrate, consociate, contraries, contrarily, cornetcies, coronaries, correction, correlates, corybantes, corybantic, cybernetic, cyclotrons, elaborates, electronic, escalation, escalatory, iceboaters, iconoclast, iconolatry, interlaces, interlayer, isocyanate, laboratory, laceration, lectionary, liberators, linecaster, neorealist, noticeable, noticeably, obeisantly, occasional, octonaries, oratorical, rationales, reactances, reasonable, reasonably, rebalances, reconciler, reconciles, recreation, relocation, resorcinol, restorable, sailboater, senatorial, tabernacle, tarriances, tolerances, transcribe11-letter wordsaberrancies, aberrations, abreactions, accelerants, accelerator, aeroelastic, antisecrecy, arborescent, areocentric, aristocracy, barleycorns, baronetcies, bioreactors, brainteaser, calibrators, carabineers, carabineros, celebration, celebrators, celebratory, cerebration, consecrator, correctable, corrections, correlation, cybernetics, cycloserine, elaboration, electronics, incarcerate, incorrectly, increasable, intercalary, intercooler, interlayers, lacerations, neocortical, neocortices, reactionary, recalibrate, reconcilers, recreations, relocations, retrainable, secretarial, tabernacles, treasonable, treasonably12-letter wordsacceleration, accelerators, accretionary, celebrations, cerebrations, consecratory, correctional, correlations, cybernetical, elaborations, incarcerates, intercoolers, laboratories, recalibrates, recreational, reescalation, restrainable, secretionary13-letter wordsaccelerations14-letter wordscorynebacteria15-letter wordscorynebacterial