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The vertec is a measuring device used to measure vertical jump height. It is a jump testing device that is constructed of steel and has horizontal vanes that are spaced one-inch apart in increments. The vanes can be adjusted from six feet to 12 feet.

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Q: What is a Vertex for measuring the height of a jump?
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How do you determine the height of an equilateral triangle?

It is the height of the perpendicular line from its vertex to its base

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You can use a measuring tape, a ruler, or a yardstick to measure your height.

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What is the analogy for height inches weight?

It is pounds. An inch is the measuring unit for height. A pound is the measuring unit for weight. The logic is as follows. height, weight -> (measuring unit for height), (measuring unit for weight) Some similar examples, If it were "height, distance and inches." the missing word would be "miles" If it were "height, age and inches." the missing word would be "years"

What is the analogy for height weight and inches?

It is pounds. An inch is the measuring unit for height. A pound is the measuring unit for weight. The logic is as follows. height, weight -> (measuring unit for height), (measuring unit for weight) Some similar examples, If it were "height, distance and inches." the missing word would be "miles" If it were "height, age and inches." the missing word would be "years"

What goes from a vertex of a triangle to where it is perpendicular to the opposite side?

that is the height of the triangle

What height airborne ranger jump from?

1000 - 1500 feet is a typical jump. The Rangers jump from the same height as any other paratrooper does.

How do you measure jumping height?

Jumping height can be measured by using tools like a yardstick or measuring tape placed next to a wall. The individual jumps up and touches as high as possible on the wall, and the height reached is then measured from the ground to the highest point touched. Alternatively, electronic devices like jump mats or force plates can also be used to measure jumping height accurately.

What is a perpendicular height?

The perpendicular height extends from the vertex opposite the base to meet the base at a 90 degree angle.

Can humans jump from 400000 feet?

no one can jump out from that height

What is the measure of the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle with base angles measuring 30 degree?

120 degrees.

What is the average male vertical jump height?

The average male vertical jump height is around 16 to 20 inches.