The van that is moving from 20 mph to 35 mph
27.96 mph
165 mph = 265.54 kph (rounded)
90 kph is approximately 55.92 mph.
305 km/h = 189.518214 mph
About 761 mph
357 mph
There is no abbreviation of mph: mph is, itself, an abbreviation!
28 kmh is 17.3984 mph
410 km/h = 254.762189 mph
The actual speed is 71.875 mph. The increase in speed shown at 60 mph is 2.5 mph. Therfore for 75 mph the increase is 3.125 mph. So by decreasing this value from 75 we get 71.875.
110 km/h is equivalent to 68.35 mph.