A chipping iron made for left or right hand players for hitting from under trees.
You get married
clubbed dubbed subbed
Nub's Nob was created in 1958.
Nub Kleinke was born in 1911.
Nub Kleinke died in 1950.
A pencil is not a nub. A nub typically refers to a small, rounded lump or protuberance. A pencil is a writing tool made of a thin cylindrical graphite core encased in a wooden or plastic body.
umm nub nub(: tehe!
A nub is defined as:n.A protuberance or knob.A small lump.The essence; the core: the nub of a story.In gaming slang, it refers to a noob.
Nub Beamer was born on 1936-02-14.
He drew a picture using a nub of coal.
No. Ddo555 is a stupid 6 year old nub that thinks he's cool and famous and is mean to everyone. Nobody likes him he sucks.
The correct expression is "bite your fingernails to the nub" or "bite your fingernails to the quick". You cannot bite your fingers to the nub---impossible. If you bite your fingernails to the nub, nub refers to the way your finger ends would look without a nail sticking out. Nails bitten so badly could bleed and cause the end of the fingers to be sore.