He is the worlds' number one professional golfer, with 92 professional victories including 14 major championships, he is regarded as one of the greatest golfers of all time, and is still only 34.
tiger woods ?
There are currently 548 known Tiger Woods in the universe.
Tiger Woods
Tiger woods
When somebody is talking about "tiger" in sports, they are referring to the golf player Tiger Woods.
When Tiger Woods' father Earl Woods was serving in Vietnam he had a friend who was a member of the Vietnamese army, His name was Vuong Dang Phong, Earl Woods called him Tiger. Earl Woods gave his son the name Tiger in honour of his friend and he has become known as it.
Tiger Woods was approximately 25 years old when he won the British Open. Tiger is a well known professional golfer.
sadly tiger woods is more commonly known unless you pay attention in social class
Who da you think? Justin beiber is a pop sensation and tiger woods is some golf player. No offense though, Tiger woods is awesome, but he's more well known to adults and Justin bieber is more well known to kids
Tiger Woods.
Tiger Woods was born on December 30, 1975
How about Tiger Woods Tiger Woods