June 3, 1986.
The phone number of the San Rafael Public Library is: 415-485-3323.
Rafa's favorite color is yellow.
The phone number of the San Rafael Branch Library is: 626-744-7270.
The phone number of the Pickleweed Library is: 415-485-3483.
The phone number of the Civic Center Library is: 415-473-6057.
The phone number of the Marin Co. Bookmobile is: 415-499-7544.
The phone number of the Marin History Museum is: 415-454-8538.
The phone number of the Falkirk Cultural Center is: 415-485-3326.
Yes, very much. Unless they're really busy (which I assume they're not, at the moment), it's likely that they'll be in Paris with him for the French Open.