Max Irons ,son of Jeremy Irons, was 16 in 2001
Jack Irons is 54 years old (birthdate: July 18, 1962).
Bruce Irons is 31 years old (birthdate: November 16, 1979).
Looking for the old green 2handle aluminum cruling irons, for African American Hair.
Andy Irons was born on July 24, 1978 and died on November 2, 2010. Andy Irons would have been 32 years old at the time of death or 37 years old today.
"Irons in the fire" refers to the Old West practice of branding -- you kept the branding irons hot by sticking one end into the fire. If you have too many irons in the fire, you've got too many things going on at once.
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67 years old
Curling irons, straightening irons, and crimpers are some. You can also use real irons, but people only did that before straightening irons were invented.
Leg irons or leg chains.
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