Maria Sharapova's birth name is Mariya Yurevna Sharapova.
Her nick name is Masha which is a combination of her first and last name. Maria Sharapova
Maria Sharapova was born in Nyagan, Russia.
when did maria sharapova move to florida
maria sharapova
Maria Sharapova was born on April 19, 1987.
Maria Sharapova is 6ft and 2inches tall (1.88 cm)
Maria Sharapova was born April 19, 1987 in Nyagan, Russia.
Maria Sharapova is not a lesbian. She is dating...I think a very wealthy man but I KNOW Maria Sharapova is NOT a lesbian.
The final match was played between Serena Williams and Maria Sharapova. Maria Sharapova won the match. This was Maria Sharapova's first Wimbledon Singles title.
· Maria Sharapova (tennis)
Where did Maria Sharapova spend the first five years of her life