Geoff Capes is 6' 6".
Geoff Capes was born on August 23, 1949.
Geoff Capes was born on August 23, 1949.
Geoff Capes is 62 years old (birthdate: August 23, 1949).
Geoff Capes
Her name is Stacey Tappenden.
Check this weekend's Independent - he is a magistrate and breds champion pigeons!!
The cast of Cool It - 1985 includes: Geoff Capes as himself Phil Cool as himself Ian McCaskill as Himself - Special Guest
* 1980 - 3rd * 1981 - 2nd * 1982 - 4th * 1983 - 1st * 1984 - 3rd * 1985 - 1st * 1986 - 2nd
The Capes was created in 2002.