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If you are playing a stableford competition you would just wait for your group to finish the hole and then go to the next tee. However, if you are playing a stroke competition you must return to the tee, unless you have already played a provisional from the tee. If you didn't play a provisional and do not go back to the tee you shall have an NR non returned score.

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13y ago

Player who hit "ob" is hitting 3 from the tee. If lose your ball on the tee shot you must return to the tee and re-tee hitting your 3rd shot.

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Q: What if a ball is lost off your tee shot but you cannot return to the tee?
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What rule governs teeing after lost ball?

Rules state that a lost ball costs you stroke and distance. In other words you add one to your score and go back to where you played the shot originally. If you hit a poor shot and think you may have lost your ball, most golfers will hit what is called a provisional. This means your provisional shot is in play if you can't find the first one you hit. This saves time and removes the necessity of returning to where you hit your shot originally. If you find your original shot you disregard the provisional ball. One addendum, on public courses in casual play, if no provisional ball was hit, most golfers will drop a ball near the spot they lost their ball, add a stroke and play on. Going back to the original spot and replaying your shot is time consuming and not really practical on a crowded golf course.

What is a drop shot in tennis?

A drop shot is a shot in raquet sports which requires slicing the ball, putting a backspin on the ball just over the net.

How many minutes can you look for a lost ball in golf?

If it is your ball, you have 5 minutes from the time you arrive in the area that you think the ball may be in to find your ball. If you cannot find it after 5 minutes you must either go back to where you played your last shot from and hit another, or play your provisional if you already have done so.

In golf how many strokes are you penalised for a lost ball?

If your ball is lost outside of a water hazard the penalty is stroke and distance. Return to the place that you last played from, drop (or tee, if it was a tee shot) and play from there. Count the shot that led to the lost ball and add one more, and count the replay. Many beer leagues play drop it somewhere in the neighborhood of where the ball probably ended up, add a penalty stroke, and play on. Not USGA sanctioned, but on a public course where you have to get done before sunset it's a good way to keep the game moving.

Did Tupac have one testicle?

Yes. He took a shot in the groin in 1994, and lost one ball.

If you can not find your ball in a hazard is it considered lost?

This is known as a lateral hazard, it differs from a water hazard as you can drop on either side of the hazard. There are a couple of options;Take a two club length drop, from the nearest point of relief, no nearer the hole.Replay the previous shot, from the previous position.Keep the point where the ball entered the hazard between you and the pin, and go back as far as you like.You do have the option of playing the ball as it lies, but remember, you can not ground you club in a hazard.

What if a player hits his ball in the woods off the tee?

There is two options open to you, they each cost you a penalty stroke. You can replay the ball from the tee (which will be your 3rd shot), or you can take a drop. To take the drop, you can go back as far as you want, keep the point where the ball entered the hazard between you and the flag and drop the ball (the next shot will also be your 3rd). As it is a water hazard, you do not need to get the ball, as long as you saw the ball enter the hazard, you are allowed to play another ball.

What happens if golfer's ball is lost?

You are penalized one stroke and you must go back and play another ball from where you played your last shot. This is your only option.

What is passing shot in tennis?

When your opponent is at the net volleying the ball and you hit a winner past them where they cannot reach.

Is it legal to hit second shot from tee if first is playable?

No, there must be reasonable doubt that the first ball is either out of bounds or lost for a second shot to be able to be hit.

When playing four ball greensomes a ball is lost and another needs to be dropped who plays the next shot?

Say player A's drive is taken, player B therefore hits the next shot, if he hits it out of bound, the player A hits the next shot, which would be 4 from the middle of the fairway.

When shooting your last ball or black ball can you call the shot off your opponents ball legally?

No. The first ball contacted by the cue ball must be the 8 ball to be a legal shot. However, if you use the opponent's ball as a carom shot after hitting the 8 ball, yes, this is a legal shot.